Poppy, poppy what do you say? Wear me on Remembrance Day . . .

We have been exploring our school value of respect by learning about Remembrance and poppies.

Children learnt and can recite a poem about the meaning of and symbolism of the poppy.

We used this as a meaningful way to develop our learning in art.

sequence of learning form

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, one fell on my nose!

Children learn about the seasons as part of our science curriculum.

We encourage children to notice the world around them and during forest school sessions they have been intrigued by signs of autumn. Big ideas that have been drawn upon are trees and the weather.

We have used information and story books to reinforce this scientific knowledge.

Children have sang songs and learnt poems in order to develop their conceptual knowledge of autumn while also giving them the language to be able to describe it.

Most children now have the language of, “leaves, acorns, apples, squirrels, falling, red, brown, orange, yellow, cold.”

We also make meaningful links across the curriculum; watch out for how we use apples in our Expressive Art and Design cookery project . . .

Our school library is open!

We have hundreds of new, engaging books that children will be bringing home to read. They depict a diverse range of characters and settings. Every child in our school can pick up a book and see themselves reflected in it. They can be the hero, adventurer or sidekick!

We have books for everyone; all ages and abilities are catered for. These texts will develop a life-long love of learning for our children. We also have a fancy online library system to track children’s interests and reading journey.

Our children know that they must care for and respect the books. This is one of our school values. Please ensure that they are loved as much at home as they are in school.

Keep posting your child’s fantastic reading on Seesaw. It makes such a huge difference to their learning and happiness.

Each day, alongside our topic we are teaching and supporting children to . . .

  • Remember new routines such as following our rules, taking turns and respecting our resources and environment. Children are learning about the routine of the day and the expectation that they attend small group time.
  • Listen and attend to others in a range of contexts including when playing, singing nursery rhymes and looking while a adult tells a story.
  • Make secure relationships with educators and children by playing with and alongside others.
  • Regulate their feelings and develop resilience.
  • Use self-help skills such as putting on our coats and using the toilet.


European Languages Day

We have learnt some key facts about France during European Languages Day.

We can now recognise the flag of France and recreated it using our knowledge of colour and fine motor skills in the malleable area. In mathematics we have been sorting and classifying so the grown ups considered how the resources were presented to children.

We tasted some traditional french food. The adults modelled counting and using manners in french and we copied.

We sang the french nursery rhyme of Frere Jacques. We explored the meaning and added instruments. We then later used the tune and subject of this song to recall our focus text of Peace at Last. “Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Mr Bear, Mr Bear . . . ”

An expert visitor to kick start our learning . . . Laura the hairdresser!

We design our Early Years curriculum to reflect our community and address the needs of our children.

It starts with ideas that all children can access . . . this term is identity, because all children have one. It also helps children to feel seen and heard.

As part of this we are focussing on our appearance and therefore we have a Hairdressing Salon in our role-play area. This also links to the planned Expressive Arts and Design opportunities of drawing and form as children will be creating portraits of themselves. It also links to Science and body parts.

Laura the hairdresser visited us, showing us the tools she uses and describing what she does for her job. This has already enhanced the vocabulary the children are using and helped them to take on roles and use their imagination.

Next week we are having a different hairdresser to visit in order to address and highlight diversity. Staff have shared books such as Rapunzel set in Africa and My Hair is a Garden so that children are seeing a range of hair types.

What a wonderful start to the year!

In nursery we have been getting to know one another really well over the past week.

Staff are helping children to understand the routines through repetition, songs and practise!

This supports children’s self-regulation skills and enables them to feel a sense of safety and belonging. They also give children the vital learning behaviours they need for success in future learning.

The adults have been playing, interacting and observing so that they know what children already know and how they can support them with provision, interactions and planning in the future to ensure they progress.

Take a look at how we have been exploring our stimulating, enabling environment . . .

A visit to the library with our families

We visited the library with our families and enjoyed the books.

We found books that we already knew and some we didn’t. A very popular one was Little Bird by Rod Campbell. The repeated language is so helpful in making us storytellers! He is one of our favourite authors. If All The World Were . . . by Joseph Coelho brought a tear to our eyes. We sang nursery rhymes from Tony Ross’ Animal Rhymes book too.

Lots of parents signed up for a library card and took books away. They are also taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge in which they will read six books and gain stickers and a medal!

Be Successful Like Mo Farrah

For National Sports Week we have been studying some important sports people.

We have looked a information books and videos to find out about Mo Farrah, Serena Williams and Ellie Simmonds.

We learnt new vocabulary such as competition, medal, track and tennis. We now remember the sports that they are famous for competing in.

We talked about how our school values link to being a good sports person.

We were able to apply our values during our Sports Day celebration.

Printing inspired by Sonya Delaunay

We have been exploring printing using a variety of objects as art of our Expressive Arts and Design project.

We also linked this with the topic of pets, so that we could show our knowledge of their features. Check out the whiskers on our cats!

Practitioners make considered choices to ensure that we remember more; We used prime colours to print we as we had studied this in teh previous term.

We decided to use them purposefully as cards for Father’s Day.

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
Safeguarding Logo
Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
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