A message for all parents

Just a reminder….. School is ONLY open for Key Worker families who booked places by last Friday.

Dear Parents,

As an SLT, and with support from our Chair of Governors, we have taken the decision based on the Independent SAGE report published to NOT re-open our school to Nursery, Reception Year 1 and Year 6 on Tuesday 2nd June.

The Independent SAGE ‘interim findings and concerns’ document released today states on page 2, “decisions on school opening should be guided by evidence of low levels of COVID-19 infections in the community and the ability to rapidly respond to new infections through a local test, track and isolate strategy. There is no clear evidence that these conditions are met. Until they are it is not safe to open schools on June 1.”

On page 3, the Independent SAGE document states, “Delaying a school re-opening by two weeks (to June 15th) approximately halves the risk to children, and delaying the re-opening to September is less risky still.”

A delay to Monday 15th June will significantly diminish the risk to our children, our staff and families. As these are the most important things in our lives, I am sure you will fully agree with this decision. This gives us further time to ensure our risk assessments and buildings are ready, so we can ensure the safety of all our children and staff when we do return.

We will continue to review the situation throughout the coming weeks and make further decisions once we have a clear indication that the rate of infection in our area is declining and continuing to decline.

We will continue to support Home Learning after half term and to provide the provision for key worker children and our vulnerable children so rotas will be in place for staff to support this. If you wish to book a Key Worker place then please find the booking form on the school website and email it to A2134@telford.gov.uk. Your booking needs to be made by the deadline, which is the Friday before the week you want (Friday 29 May) so school can organise the appropriate rooms and activities.

Thank you for our continued support as we try to make the right decisions for our community, which are all centred around keeping our children, staff and families safe.

My best wishes to you and your families,

Mrs Tomlinson                                          Simon Taylor

Headteacher                                            Chair of Governors

School Infection Control Procedures for Parents


School Infection Control Procedures for Parents

The Sir Alexander Fleming team have all been working hard on a robust plan to ensure the best possible safety around reopening school. Please find below some of the measures we are putting in place and that you MUST follow:

  • Please stick to your staggered start and finish times – do not arrive early or late, we are trying to ensure a limited number of parents on site and a swift drop off and collection.
  • Do not hang around on the playground or at the front of school talking with other families or friends – you will be asked to move on.
  • All entrance and exit points will be staffed to ensure sensible queuing
  • Only 1 parent to bring children to school
  • Enter school through the main front gates ONLY
  • Exit school through the Car Park gate ONLY
  • Follow the one-way system at all times
  • Stand 2 metres away from all other families, door entrances and teaching staff
  • If you need to talk with the class teacher in the morning, then please pass this message to the adult on the door, remembering to stand 2 metres away.
  • If teachers speak to you at the end of the school day, this will be outside at a 2 metre distance.
  • If you need to come into the Reception foyer, then please adhere to one person in at a time and stand back from the glass.
  • Use the hand sanitiser at the main entrance before entering the building.
  • If your child is bringing their own packed lunch to school then this needs to be brought with them at their start time. We are unable to move around school to deliver packed lunches brought from home.
  • Ensure your child brings their own water bottle to school and takes it home for careful washing each day.
  • School uniform is required. When your child gets home from school, they will need to remove their clothing by the front door, so that it can be washed immediately. Your child then needs to take a shower before chatting with any other family member. We are asking that children come to school in clean uniform each day.
  • Long hair MUST be tied up – if not teachers will supply hair bobbles.
  • NO jewellery is to be worn – the virus can live on certain metals for up to

A letter to Key Worker Parents

If your child is returning to school on Tuesday 2nd June to access a Key Worker / Vulnerable place then please read the letter below.

Letter to Key Worker parents

The deadline for booking for WC: 2.6.20 has passed and we are unable to take further bookings for next week.

To secure your place, please return your forms by the deadline set.


Key Worker Booking Form

To ensure you have a place booked for your child(ren) on Tuesday 2nd June, you need to complete this booking form and return to:


By Friday 29 May at 10am.

Any bookings after this will be placed on a waiting list for the following week. We need to ensure we have the staff in place and the rooms organised.

1st June 2020

URGENT Information regarding the reopening of school

Saturday 23 May 2020,

Dear Parents,

We have spent another week trying to make key decisions for our school to extend the opening and preparing for this and we are all desperate to get life back to normal. We have always believed that Monday 1st June was a provisional date for returning and we were awaiting further guidance from the Government and medical experts.

As an SLT, and with support from our Chair of Governors, we have taken the decision based on the Independent SAGE report published today to NOT re-open our school to Nursery, Reception Year 1 and Year 6 on Tuesday 2nd June.

The Independent SAGE ‘interim findings and concerns’ document released today states on page 2, “decisions on school opening should be guided by evidence of low levels of COVID-19 infections in the community and the ability to rapidly respond to new infections through a local test, track and isolate strategy. There is no clear evidence that these conditions are met. Until they are it is not safe to open schools on June 1.”

On page 3, the Independent SAGE document states, “Delaying a school re-opening by two weeks (to June 15th) approximately halves the risk to children, and delaying the re-opening to September is less risky still.”

A delay to Monday 15th June will significantly diminish the risk to our children, our staff and families. As these are the most important things in our lives, I am sure you will fully agree with this decision. This gives us further time to ensure our risk assessments and buildings are ready, so we can ensure the safety of all our children and staff when we do return.

We will continue to review the situation throughout the coming weeks and make further decisions once we have a clear indication that the rate of infection in our area is declining and continuing to decline.

We will continue to support Home Learning after half term and to provide the provision for key worker children and our vulnerable children so rotas will be in place for staff to support this. If you wish to book a Key Worker place then please find the booking form on the school website and email it to A2134@telford.gov.uk.

Thank you for your continued support as we try to make the right decisions for our community, which are all centred around keeping our children, staff and families safe.

My best wishes to you and your families,

Mrs Tomlinson                                          Simon Taylor

Headteacher                                             Chair of Governors

Here it is! Part 4 of ‘The nothing to see here hotel’

Click the video below to listen to Mr Ratcliffe read Part 4 of ‘The nothing to see here hotel’

Time for a story with Miss Lancett

We are delighted that Miss Lancett will be joining our teaching team in September as one of our Reception teachers.

Watch this video below to listen to Miss Lancett share a story.

Key Worker Booking Form – WC: 1 June 2020

1st June 2020 Booking Form

Dear parents and carers,

Our numbers for Key Worker Critical Care will be increasing from Tuesday 2nd June so it is essential that you book your children in by returning this form as soon as possible to:


The cut off date is: Friday 29 May @ 10am.

All bookings need to be made the week before you require the care.

If we do not receive your form, we will not confirm your booking and a place will not be secured.

We are allowing a maximum of 15 children per classroom to ensure social distancing; this may mean that children from EY will be working alongside older year groups.

If you are a Key Worker, then our school policy is that you will be asked to provide evidence to show that you are classed as a key worker and require childcare so that we can support as many families as possible. Unfortunately, if we exceed our numbers, we will create a waiting list and you will be informed as to when we have spaces.

We can offer Key Worker Care from 8.30-3.00pm. We are able to offer places based on these hours, but we are unable to accommodate children who need part-time hours e.g. 10am-12pm. The school office will not be manned in the afternoon and there will be nobody available to answer the door before 3pm.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Mrs Tomlinson

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