Year 4 Theatre Trip

“Kindness is the language that can be understood by everyone.”
Miss Perkins’ and Mr Broderick’s class travelled to Wolverhampton theatre to watch The Boy at the back of the Class. This is a core text which is used to develop children’s comprehension in year 4.
The book is written by Onjali Q. Rauf and tells the story of a Syrian refugee who comes to the U.K. It explores themes of diversity, discrimination and kindness.
The children were so moved and enthralled they were heckling the character of the school bully and cheering on Ahmet!
We shared our experience with our parents during an assembly. This was a way of celebrating and recalling our knowledge.
Miss Perkins also contacted the director and was able to get her hands on a script from one of the scenes we watched. The children are using this in our English learning about playscripts and our Guided Reading by comparing the narrative with the script.
The book has allowed the children to explore the British Values; individual liberty, mutual respect and understanding different faiths and beliefs whilst also developing their compassion and understanding of the wider world.

Year 4 Pioneer Trip

In March some of the Year 4 children went on their first residential trip to the Pioneer Center. The children created new friendships, improved their teamwork skills, showed resilience and made life long memories. They had a BRILLIANT time!

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