Key Worker Booking Form – WC: 13 July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers of Key Worker and Critical Care children,

I am hoping, in the nicest possible way, that this is the last time we need to offer this provision to you and life can go back to normal or as close to normal as it can.

13 July 2020 Booking Form

We are only open on Friday 17 July to actual Key Workers who are working on that day.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and support throughout this very strange time.

Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to seeing you all in September 🙂

Katy Tomlinson

The Big Uniform Swap Shop – update

Don’t forget, we will be collecting uniform that your children may have grown out of at SAF this Wednesday. We aim to wash it, iron it, sort it into sizes and make it available for families to take what they need for September. We hope that this will help everyone at this difficult time as uniform has hardly been worn but very much outgrown this year.

We will be holding a ‘uniform drop-off’ on Wednesday 1st July from 11.30 – 2.00pm. If you could drop off your uniform in a sealed carrier bag with the ages recorded on the bag to the office then we can prepare the uniform in ages and sizes ready for the ‘big swap’.

We will be accepting t-shirts, jumpers, cardigans, skirts, trousers, shorts, summer dresses, PE shorts, PE t-shirts, hoodies, shoes and trainers, as long as they are clean and tidy.

Please like and share this event to make this event as successful as possible!

If your child is attending school for the next three weeks, they will not need to wear school uniform from Tuesday 30 June, that way you can give us all of your uniform 🙂 

As soon as we have prepared everything we will announce the date for the ‘uniform swap’ but it will be within the next two weeks.

Thank you for you kindness, understanding and support.

Mrs Tomlinson

The Big Uniform Swap Shop

Next week, we will be collecting uniform that your children may have grown out of at SAF. We aim to wash it, iron it, sort it into sizes and make it available for families to take what they need for September. We hope that this will help everyone at this difficult time as uniform has hardly been worn but very much outgrown this year.

We will be holding a ‘uniform drop-off’ on Wednesday 1st July from 11.30 – 2.00pm. If you could drop off your uniform in a sealed carrier bag with the ages recorded on the bag to the office then we can prepare the uniform in ages and sizes ready for the ‘big swap’.

We will be accepting t-shirts, jumpers, cardigans, skirts, trousers, shorts, summer dresses, PE shorts, PE t-shirts, hoodies, shoes and trainers, as long as they are clean and tidy.

Please like and share this event to make this event as successful as possible!

As soon as we have prepared everything we will announce the date for the ‘uniform swap’ but it will be within the next two weeks.

Thank you for you kindness, understanding and support.

Mrs Tomlinson