Year 1 Spellings

Every week, your children will be given new spellings to learn then we complete our spelling tests on a Friday morning. Please help your children to learn their spellings – we practise them every morning in school but practise makes perfect! The spelling words follow a new spelling rule each week and we also test tricky words.

Outdoor Learning

What a beautiful morning Miss Phillips’s class had up in the Hazels. It was lovely to be able to explore the changing of the seasons as we move into autumn. We looked at the range of colours starting to appear and created some amazing artwork using natural objects as our colour palette.

We also spent time making some fantastic Acorn Rollercoasters using tubes, pipes and guttering. It was quite a challenge to construct the courses, but great fun to see if they worked. There was even one rollercoaster that went uphill for part of the run- and it worked! 😲

The new pallet den and hammock area was also open today, and we learnt how to get in and out safely. It was so relaxing, lying in a hammock, looking up through the branches of the beautiful silver birch tree.           


No Pens Day – Year 5!

We have had a lovely day in Year 5 making the most of the opportunities to work without pens!

We completed French activities based around describing feelings, listened and responded to music, made (rather fiddly) Christmas decorations for our school tree and completed a drama lesson this afternoon!

Our communication skills were used all day and the performances of the Wormy Spaghetti scene from The Twits this afternoon required lots of imagination and focus!

Keep your eye on your class’ Seesaw page for photos and videos.

No Pens Wednesday

In year 6, we have enjoyed using story prompts to create stories to share and act in front of the class. We also had great fun ‘speed meeting’ where we had to decide which questions to ask a friend to get to know them better before they moved on to the next person. We then had a debate to decide whether or not we would choose to have a Covid-19 vaccine.

Speed meeting


Miss Kibblewhite’s Class enjoying no pens day!

The children have been very busy despite not picking up a pen all day!

They have created lovely art work based on Van Gogh’s cityscapes, sequenced our forest school day and told each other what we did and we even made a decoration for our school Christmas tree!

Here are some pictures for you to look at!  

Forest school day!

Hello everyone!

We are having a Fun Forest School day on Monday 23rd November. Please ensure your child attends school in their waterproofs, wellies and warm clothing.

They will take part in various activities throughout the day.

Please see the letter below for more information.

Thank you

Miss Kibblewhite and Mrs Geran


forest school letter


Odd Socks Day and Anti-bullying Week

On Monday, if the children (and staff) would like to, they are invited to wear odd socks to school! We will be celebrating differences and appreciation of what makes us unique! In classrooms the children will spend the week focusing on anti-bullying and all of the wonderful ways we can make each other feel safe and happy.

Odd Socks Day – 16.11.20
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