Key Worker Booking Form – WC: 1 June 2020

1st June 2020 Booking Form

Dear parents and carers,

Our numbers for Key Worker Critical Care will be increasing from Tuesday 2nd June so it is essential that you book your children in by returning this form as soon as possible to:

The cut off date is: Friday 29 May @ 10am.

All bookings need to be made the week before you require the care.

If we do not receive your form, we will not confirm your booking and a place will not be secured.

We are allowing a maximum of 15 children per classroom to ensure social distancing; this may mean that children from EY will be working alongside older year groups.

If you are a Key Worker, then our school policy is that you will be asked to provide evidence to show that you are classed as a key worker and require childcare so that we can support as many families as possible. Unfortunately, if we exceed our numbers, we will create a waiting list and you will be informed as to when we have spaces.

We can offer Key Worker Care from 8.30-3.00pm. We are able to offer places based on these hours, but we are unable to accommodate children who need part-time hours e.g. 10am-12pm. The school office will not be manned in the afternoon and there will be nobody available to answer the door before 3pm.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Mrs Tomlinson

Phased return to school – behaviour expectations.

As we plan for a return to school for some pupils in June, we have added an appendix to our existing behaviour policy to include any changes to procedures as a result of new government guidelines relating to COVID-19. Please familiarise yourself and your children with the updates attached (a copy of our full behaviour policy can be found in the ‘Key Info’ section of our school website).

Behaviour Policy Appendix 3 May 2020

Computer Coding with Mr G!

Hello everyone, Mr G here.

Join me in creating our very own ‘Chatbot’ Scratch project aimed at pupils in Key Stage Two.

All you will need is a computer/laptop or iPad/tablet and access to the internet.

We are going to create the following project:
Use this site to help you design your very own talking bot!

You will build your scratch project in scratch here:

Then, along with the help of an adult, join me live where you can ask me any questions about the project, or Scratch in general!

Just click on the link for the 10-11am slot on both Thursday and Friday. Access the link here:

For more information, watch the helpful video here: