Tuesday’s activities for Reception

Good Morning,

The Department for Education have created daily ‘Letters and Sounds’ lessons on YouTube. So for today’s challenge, your child could watch and join in with this…

For Maths, please choose a couple of the ‘halving’ problems attached. You can amend them to go with whatever resources you’ve got 🙂

Solving Problems – Halving – Tues 27th apr

Monday’s challenges…


Hope everyone’s had a good weekend.

We thought we’d post some work ideas for tomorrow and apologise now if we don’t respond very quickly to any seesaw messages you may send – we’re actually in school tomorrow, looking after the children of our key workers.

As always, we’ll put ideas for phonics and maths, but we equally love seeing photos/videos of the different things you’re doing to keep busy in these uncertain times.

Please look at the Seesaw account for tomorrow’s daily story – Mrs Casswell’s class have ‘Duck in the Truck’ – read by Mrs Wust 🙂

Stay safe everyone,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran xx

Monday Practical ways to find halve

phonics ph 3 mon 27th apr

Ideas for activities today…

It’s Friday! And how lucky are we, the sun’s still shining!!!

Thank you for all of the photos/videos sent on Seesaw this week – as always, they’re lovely to see and keeping us sane.

Here are some work ideas for today…

Fri 24 phonics ph 3

Phonics – see if your child can remember the digraphs – you can either print it, write it, or just say it from the screen. For the handwriting section, it can be written in mud/sand/stones/on paper. Try to help your child say all the sounds e.g. f-i-sh/th-u-mb/ch-ur-ch, and blend them together to say the actual word.

maths mastery Fri 24th

Maths – use piles of socks – of 2 different colours. Practise adding using a washing line. Make it as tricky or as easy as you’d like.

Have a good weekend everybody 🙂

Reception challenges – Weds 22nd April

Good Morning!

Hope you all have a good day 🙂

Here’s some more ideas for activities to support the children to achieve the ‘Early Learning Goal’ set by the Government.

Maths – some ideas for adding – Parents, you could just read them from the screen and the children have a go at them, or use ‘real’ things to add, that you have at home e.g. leaves/stones/toys. If you’ve got resources, children could draw/write what they have added together, but doing it practically and talking about it, is perfect 🙂

Phonics – the children have been taught the sounds that ‘oo’ and ‘ng’ make in words. (Please use the Jolly Phonics song on You tube if they want to check.) Again, you don’t have to print them off, just support your child to have a go at sounding out and blending the words to read them on the screen.

Please keep sending in all the lovely photos – it’s great to keep up with all the fantastic things the children are doing at home! Another fun idea (from one of the families in Reception) is to let the children be a ‘photographer’ on your daily walk – it really helps the children look out for things and appreciate their surroundings. See if you can spot signs of Spring… Have fun!

Wed 22nd Phonics ph3

Weds 22nd Using Quantities and Objects They Add Two Single-Digit Numbers

#BeKind (to yourselves!)

Understandably, we have lots of parents and children are are worried at this time. If you click on the ‘Kind words’ link below, I have found a couple of posts that will hopefully make you feel a little less stressed.

Please use the time at home to have fun with your children. I have had lots of parents in contact who have been painting, growing seeds/plants, doing scavenger hunts, making salt dough, using recycled materials to make dens/boats/dolls houses, learning to ride a bike, bird watching, dressing up… the list is endless. These activities are invaluable and your children will learn so much from them.

Kind words

Reception challenges – Monday 20th April

Hello everyone!

We hope you’ve had a good Easter break and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

We will continue to put work on our Seesaw accounts daily, and love it when you send photos/videos of the work and activities the children have been doing – Thank you, it really is keeping us sane!

The work will also be posted on the website, to try and reach out to all of our parents in Reception, but please continue to use Seesaw to send messages/photos and videos.

We hope you are enjoying our daily stories (during term-time) – Mrs Casswell’s class have got ‘Six Dinner Sid’, ‘Duck in the Truck’ and ‘Where’s my Teddy’ to look forward to this week 🙂

Can’t wait to see you all soon, but please stay safe and take care.

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

MOn 20th ph3 phonics

You can do these with your child on the screen if that’s easier. The tricky word search could also be done with one of your books – just try to spot some of the listed tricky words. Children could also keep an eye out for I, the, to, no, go, into.

Mon 20th One More or One Less Than

There are some examples on this sheet for activities, but you could use anything that’s convenient…e.g crisps/raisins/grapes at lunchtime, stones/pebbles outside etc.


This is a STEM challenge – and links to the worldwide ‘Rainbow’ theme, reminding us all to try to stay positive and have hope. It is also a way to express our thanks to the front line staff, who are all working so hard, in such uncertain times.