Gary the Giant African Snail visited . . .

As part of our learning about living things we met Gary, the Giant African snail.

We observed and touched Gary. It evoked lots of conversation about his shell and his foot. We learnt that Gary has tentacles and uses them to feel, helping him to move. We fed Gary and ensured he had water to drink.

“His shell is hard and that bit soft.”


“The shell is swirly, around.”

“He’s eating lettuce.”

“Where’s his mouth?”

“He’s moving . . . slowly.”

Ghanaian Week

Last week we were very lucky to have a kind parent come and make a traditional Ghanaian meal with us. We helped her to make Jollof Rice. The children explored the ingredients and listened to the process. We tried the delicious dish when it was ready. You could ask your children what they thought!