What a wonderful day at Blists Hill!

We were so proud of our Reception children today.

They represented our school perfectly – staying SAFE; being SUCCESSFUL with the long walk; having PRIDE in their work at the school; showing RESPECT to others around the town and being BRAVE when we went in the dark mine.

The children enjoyed learning about life in the past, and how different it is now. Can they tell you something that is different?

Madeley library visit – Mrs Casswell’s class

We’ve enjoyed a visit to Madeley library this afternoon. The children were very respectful in the library and thoroughly enjoyed  exploring all of the lovely books. The stories the librarian read to us were super – can your child tell you about them?

Lest we forget…

We have been marking Remembrance in Reception this week.

We have been exploring poppies through discussions, videos and expressive art and design.

“I got a poppy, it’s red here… and black in the middle.”

“Red like blood.”

“The bunny is sad and scared. He’s hiding under a hat because of the bangs…and it’s dark.”

“We remember the people that died…soldiers.”

We learnt about shape, form, colour and line to explore how we could use materials and objects to form poppies.

What a treat…

Our Nursery and Reception children have enjoyed some lovely experiences recently.

Last week, we were lucky enough to watch M & M productions perform Snow White:

We also learnt about rhythm, timbre and pitch from our Key Strings friends:

Today we have had the opportunity to watch a storyteller, Rob, from SeaLegs Puppet Theatre, tell us about Edward Leer’s dream. His wonderful puppets and story-telling techniques had us all inspired!


A Visit From A Dental Nurse

As part of our U is for Unique project we have been learning about parts of our bodies.

We have a dentist role-play area. Zoe, a dental nurse visited us and taught us how to look after our teeth. She showed us how she looks after patients and how she uses dental tools.

We can use this knowledge in our play. We have learnt new vocabulary such as, “plaque” and, “cavity”.

We are taking this learning further by using mirrors to look in our mouths and creating sketches of them.