
Dear families and friends,

Wow! January has just flown by and there is only 7 days left until half term! We have had an action-packed January and the children have worked so hard.

We started the year by focusing on New Years Resolutions and how if we support each other we will manage to stick to the changes we want to make. The changes that we have decided to make link very well with our school value of the month – Kindness. We are going to be kind to everyone and everything within our school.

The team have been asked to nominate children that they believe have shown kindness during this month and they received a certificate in assembly and a great big thankyou for promoting kindness!











Our Sequence of Learning for Expressive Art and Design

We have designed and made baby food, following our whole-school sequence for learning in DT.

We were able to apply our knowledge of babies, their development and needs to this project. We learnt skills to cut and puree fruit and vegetables. This is key knowledge we will need to be successful in year 1 when we design and make a healthy smoothie.

We gave some to baby Rowan’s mother to give our learning a real purpose.

We used information books to follow recipes and the fiction book Avocado Baby to inspire us. We are hoping baby Rowan becomes as strong as Avocado Baby once he’s eaten our designs!

Our first experience of the theatre

We plan a range of experiences to ensure children gain cultural capital by attending our setting.

After watching Sealegs Puppet Theatre at school in November, we visited Theatre Severn this week to watch an exciting performance of Dear Santa!

It was filled with music, songs and magic! The children were enthralled by the props, lights and actors. They listened and attended for a long period of time and joined in with nursery rhymes and actions.

We had studied the story by exploring the book, presents and used the theme of toys to develop our pre-phonics learning of environmental sounds. It is also an innovation of Dear Zoo which is one of our core texts.

“My favourite part was the cat!”

“The elf was hiding!”

“Santa sent something else.”

A particular highlight for some of the children was the journey on the minibus. They chatted about the, “huge lorries” and, “high bridges” they observed on the way there.

We’re Going On a Baby Hunt!

Our curriculum is sequenced in a way which ensures children are given time to practise, layer their understanding, make connections and apply their learning to new contexts.

Our learning about babies has helped our Religious understanding of the Christian story of the first Christmas.

Stories are at the core of everything we do. We have listened to versions of the story in books, films and through images and artistic interpretations as well as through small world story-telling, puppets and role-play.

We had a visit from Becky Dotson who is a Christian herself. She helped us to explore the story through song. We loved it because it was an innovation of our reading spine book, ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt.”

Everything we do is for a reason! We were inspired to draw the Baby Jesus in his manger and used these as our Christmas Cards for our families.

The children also applied their knowledge about faces, from last term. Check out those eyelashes and nostrils!

Real experiences enrich our learning, making it memorable . . . Baby Rowan

We have been learning about babies as part of an Understanding of the World project.

We have analysed objects, looked at baby photographs, learnt songs, nursery rhymes and explored a variety of books about babies.

We now know a range of vocabulary and concepts linked to this.

“When I was a baby I went in a pram because I couldn’t walk.”

“I was a baby a long, long time ago.”

“Babies need a high chair or they would fall off!”

“A crib like rock a bye baby.”

“I’m a child. I have a cup not a bottle.”

Today we had an expert visitor, a real baby visit the setting. We noticed the size of the baby, it’s clothing and the things it needed. We told his mummy what we knew and asked whether the baby drank from a bottle or had a nappy. We sang it a lullaby.

Our school library is open!

We have hundreds of new, engaging books that children will be bringing home to read. They depict a diverse range of characters and settings. Every child in our school can pick up a book and see themselves reflected in it. They can be the hero, adventurer or sidekick!

We have books for everyone; all ages and abilities are catered for. These texts will develop a life-long love of learning for our children. We also have a fancy online library system to track children’s interests and reading journey.

Our children know that they must care for and respect the books. This is one of our school values. Please ensure that they are loved as much at home as they are in school.

Keep posting your child’s fantastic reading on Seesaw. It makes such a huge difference to their learning and happiness.

An expert visitor to kick start our learning . . . Laura the hairdresser!

We design our Early Years curriculum to reflect our community and address the needs of our children.

It starts with ideas that all children can access . . . this term is identity, because all children have one. It also helps children to feel seen and heard.

As part of this we are focussing on our appearance and therefore we have a Hairdressing Salon in our role-play area. This also links to the planned Expressive Arts and Design opportunities of drawing and form as children will be creating portraits of themselves. It also links to Science and body parts.

Laura the hairdresser visited us, showing us the tools she uses and describing what she does for her job. This has already enhanced the vocabulary the children are using and helped them to take on roles and use their imagination.

Next week we are having a different hairdresser to visit in order to address and highlight diversity. Staff have shared books such as Rapunzel set in Africa and My Hair is a Garden so that children are seeing a range of hair types.