A is for Alive; Pets!

Our learning in the EYFS always starts with our children’s existing knowledge and experiences.

As a sub topic within our project we have been studying pets. The children have shared and talked about their own pets.

This has sparked and inspired many activities including studying and describing animals, pet mathematics and vet exploration. It has led to discussions about how pets are cared for and we are very excited to have the RSPCA visit us on Friday to extend our knowledge further.

A is for Alive

For our curriculum focus this term we are exploring what it means to be alive. We have been discussing African animals during this topic and were lucky enough to have Gary the Snail come and visit us. Gary is a giant African land snail and we have gained lots of knowledge about their habitat and needs.

“Gary is not a boy or a girl.”

“They like eating vegetables!”

“Feels so slimy.”

Reception’s Blists Hill Experience!

Reception walked to Blists Hill to find out about living a long time ago in Victorian Britain. We visited the school, the mines, and many shops and houses. We thought about what it would be like to go to the toilet in the garden… Work in the dark mine with the rumbles of explosions… Be hit with a cane for talking in school!

We agreed we are glad to live “now” instead of “a long time ago” even though Victorians were super inventors.