Governors Annual Statement 2024
Governors’ Annual Statement Autumn 2023
Governors’ Annual Statement Autumn 2022
We are most fortunate to have a highly skilled and experienced Governing Board at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery. Our Governors are representatives of the local community, the church, parents, school staff and the Local Education Authority. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity. Governors play an active role as a ‘critical friend’ to leaders of Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery. Their work is crucial in helping the school to continue to develop and improve: providing support, challenge and strategic direction to our school. Our Governors share leaders’ high ambitions for the future of our school and pupils; they regularly visit school to talk to staff, pupils and parents, to make sure that these ambitions are realised.
The three core functions of the Governing Body are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent.
To enable this, we hold termly committee meetings as well as Full Governing Board meetings (FGB).
Message from the Chair of Governors
Our Governors
Matt Downes-Ward – Chair of Governors

Caroline Riley – Vice Chair of Governors

Katy Tomlinson – Headteacher

Adelle Hunt – LA Governor

Beckie Dotson – Co-opted Governor

Rich Robey – Co-opted Governor

Lisa Pigg – Co-opted Governor / Assistant Headteacher

Teresa Adams – Staff Governor / DDSL

Our Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Local Authority. Whilst the Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved, for example with such things as staffing, curriculum, health and safety, safeguarding, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives. The Governing Body works as a team with shared responsibilities. Governors never make decisions on their own, nor do they act as individuals.
Could you be a Governor?
Are you interested in the education, welfare and opportunities provided for children and young people? Have you got enthusiasm and time to spare? If so, you could consider volunteering as a school governor.
- Governors give their service voluntarily and no formal qualifications are necessary although there are eligibility criteria.
- Governors are ordinary people, aged over 18, with a special commitment to the education and well-being of children.
- Terms of office will be a minimum of one to a maximum of four years.
If you are interested in becoming a governor please contact the school office on 01952 327820.
There are typically four types of Governors:
- Staff Governors
- Parent Governors
- Co-opted Governors
- Local Authority Governors
The school’s governing body comprises of 9 Governors:
- 2 parent governors – elected by other parents at the school
- 1 staff governor – elected by their colleagues
- 1 LA governor – appointed by the governing body
- 4 co-opted governors – invited by the other governors to represent the wider community
- the Headteacher – appointed by the governing body.
Governors are appointed for a four year term. The chair and vice chair are appointed annually.
All governors participate in a voluntary capacity and do not receive any remuneration for their work as school governors.
The full governing body usually meets once per term. Most governors also sit on one or two committees, which meet more frequently:
- School Development and Standards Committee
- Personnel, Finance and Health and Safety Committee
- Personal Development and Safeguarding Committee
Committees also usually meet once per term, in time to report on their work to the full governing body meeting. Each Committee has its own Terms of Reference. Individual governors also take on specific responsibilities e.g. linked to a subject area such as literacy or numeracy, or a focus area such as special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) or child protection.
The Governing Body is, therefore rightly proud of the achievements of the school, not only in terms of its academic achievement, but also in the solid foundations it provides in preparing all our pupils for the remainder of their formative education. Our community matters and our commitment to high expectations for all is at the core of everything that we do.
Schools Financial Benchmarking – GOV.UK (
Governor’s role in school improvement
Register of Business Interests
Business Interests 2024-2025
Business Interests 2023-2024
Business Interests 2022-2023
Business Interests 2021-2022
Register of Business Interests 2020-2021
Register of Business Interests Summer Term 2020
Register of Pecuniary and Personal Interests
Pecuniary and Personal Interests 2023-2024
Pecuniary and Personal Interests 2022-2023
Pecuniary and Personal Interests 2021-2022
Attendance 2023-2024
Attendance 2022-2023
Attendance 2021-2022
Attendance 2020-2021
Attendance 2019-20
Governor’s Documents
Privacy Notice for Governors
Governing Body Annual Statement for 2018-2019