It’s Wednesday Challenge Time


ENGLISH – Think about the main characters in the story; Jack, Ma, the Giant and the Giant’s wife.

Jack and the Beanstalk Literacy Activities | Jack, the beanstalk ...

You could draw the characters and write words around them.

Use the words to write a character description.

Repeated sentences can be helpful in order to give your child a structure.

It could be –

Jack is _________ because . . .

Jack is brave because he goes into the giant’s castle and the giant wants to eat him.

Jack is kind and heroic because he gives the poor people of the town the golden eggs so that they can eat.

Using words like ‘because/ and’ means that your child is joining two ideas which is great!



Collect as many pairs of shoes as you can from around the house.  Put them in pairs and in lines. Socks are good for this too and might help you tidy up the washing pile!

Three pairs of shoes, three stages of the growth.

Ask questions like –

“if you have 10 shoes how many pairs do you have?”

” How many shoes do you have in 6 pairs?”

Counting in 2s Shoe Themed Display Posters (teacher made)

Can you help them count along in 2s.

Use this site to extend the learning if you want to or have the time.



BE ACTIVE – If you are able to go for a daily walk can you . . .

  • run for 30 seconds
  • walk for 2 minutes
  • jump for 30 seconds
  • hop to the nearest lamppost
  • roll on some grass
  • skip to the nearest tree

Could you do this outside if you have a garden?

Indoors – How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds? Could you use a timer on your phone?

How to Set Sleep Timer on Your Phone

How many hops can you do in 30 seconds?

How many frog leaps?

Can you run on the spot for 30 seconds?



Can you make a model of one of the boats Columbus travelled in?

How to Recreate Models of Christopher Columbus's Sailing Ships ...Five Homemade Boats - Craftulate


Make a plan using the diagram you made yesterday. List the materials you may need. (Remember your plan might change as you get stuck in!)

This may take you a few days to complete. Good learners return to challenges to continue and improve them.

Can you make more than one boat?

Wood Stick Ship | Craft stick crafts, Popsicle stick boat, Boat crafts

Could you test your boat out on water?

Can you have a boat race?

How does this boat compare to the titanic?


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