Year 2 communication

Good afternoon all, we hope you are keeping well.

We would like to say thank you to all the parents that have either sent emails or have communicated with us via Seesaw. It has been lovely to talk with you all and to see the amazing things that you have been doing at home.

If you haven’t already signed up to Seesaw it would be great if you could. It is an amazing communication platform. If you are having problems setting up the app please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Miss Pound –

Mrs O’Reilly –


Maths and English

Year 6,

We hope you are all ok and having a lovely time with your families, whilst doing some work, alongside the adjustment to staying home.

Please use the link below to access Year 6 Maths and English activities. The site is the scheme we follow in school; it has useful videos and daily lessons.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We look forward to sharing all your work when we get back to school and on Seesaw in the meantime. If you do not have your Seesaw login details, we can provide these; it is important for us all to stay in touch to share our work and to stay connected.

Take care, Miss W and Miss K


I hope you are all having a lovely time in your gardens, enjoying the sunshine. It would be lovely to have our Year 6 children all sharing their work on Seesaw. Please can you start uploading things if you haven’t already.

If you need your login details, please send me an email: and I will forward them to you straight away. Feel free to contact me for Timetable Rock Star details too.

Stay safe everyone,

Miss W

Year 6 Home Learning

Hello Year 6,

We hope that you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather that we are having!

By now I am sure that you are breaking your days up by having a look at some of the tasks we set you last week (reattached at the bottom if you need another copy). It has been wonderful to see some of you creating tasks of your own too – you’re very inventive! Feel free to magpie each others’ ideas and ask if you need any help…we are here to support you.

Please make sure you are uploading messages or pictures if you can on to Seesaw – we would love to see what you are all getting up to!

Keep safe and keep smiling,

Miss Killick and Miss Walters

Year 6 Home Learning Tasks


If you are looking for extra activities to complete alongside your other tasks, why not try these:

  1. 10 Day Drawing Challenge: draw something using only your favourite colour (shading is the key) and describe it using a synopsis. Let your imagination go wild.
  2. High Five: draw around your hand, add pictures and words of things you like, to each finger of the hand. Challenge yourself to turn any negative thoughts into positive ones.
  3. Get outside: find something in your garden that you haven’t seen before (it could be an insect or a plant, etc.). Find out what it is, then create a fact book. How many new things can you discover in a week.
  4. Poetry: go on a metaphor and simile walk; this could be a walk around your garden or house. Turn these ideas into a poetry masterpiece.

Enjoy 🙂

Mrs O’Reilly used pepper to highlight the importance of washing your hands properly.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve all learnt a lot more about the importance of washing our hands. In order to show children the importance, in a way they would understand, we conducted an experiment. First, we poured pepper into a dish filled with water and asked the child to swirl their finger around. Naturally, when they pulled their fingers out of the water it was covered in pepper. Next, the children placed some antibacterial soap onto their fingers, miraculously, when they dipped their fingers back into the water, the pepper fled, creating a ‘safe zone’ around their fingers. The children were in awe and now have a much better understanding.


SAF Sport Relief Obstacle Course

The children and staff all had an amazing experience yesterday all in aid of Sport relief. A massive thank you to the Sports coaches for setting up and spending the day soaking wet.

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
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Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
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