Spooky stories for gruesome kids!

Spooky stories for gruesome kids!

Friday 23rd October

Your child is invited to come to school in spooky fancy dress!

(No masks, make up or props!)

They will enjoy a day of spook-tastic reading!

Harvest Collection 2020





Dear Parents and Carers,

Normally at this time of year, the classes are usually collecting food parcels in their classes, putting together wonderful work and practicing songs to share with each other  during our Harvest celebrations. Due to the virus, we will be unable to celebrate Harvest in the same way this year.

Traditionally, we would be asking you to kindly donate items of food to share with families less fortunate than ourselves. This year, we will be asking you to donate any loose change that you may have and this will be donated to Telford Crisis Support.

All the small change will be collected in the classrooms from Monday 5th October 2020, and this will then be given to Telford Crisis Support. They will then tell us how many food parcels we have managed to fund through collecting our loose change. There will be a prize, donated by our Friends of School for the class that collects the most loose change.

We hope that you can join us in collecting for a very needed local cause this Harvest time.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson


Autumn Parent’s Meetings

Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic all meetings will take place via phone call. You will have received a letter this week explaining to you when your child’s appointment day is and the time slots available. When booking your slot please leave the name of the person to be contacted and the phone number that you wish to be contacted on. Each allocated slot is 5 minutes long and teachers will need to adhere to the timings. The incoming call to your phone may show as a withheld number or one of the school numbers.

The booking system allows you to choose a 30 minute window which is suitable for you. The teacher will then allocate you a 5 minute slot within that window. You will receive a letter to tell you the time of your phone call. Appointments can be made up until Friday 2nd October 2020.

The allocated days are:

Year 1: Wednesday 7th October 8.30 – 12.00

Year 2: Thursday 8th October 8.30 – 12.00

Year 3: Monday 5th October 8.30 – 12.00

Year 4: Friday 9th October 8.30 – 12.00

Year 5: Tuesday 6th October 8.30 – 12.00

Year 6: Monday 12th October 8.30 -12.00

Nursery and Reception appointments will be during the second half of the Autumn term.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Home Learning – All Year Groups

If your child needs to learn from home during Autumn Term, please access their year group information page (in Parents News / Classes) for links to teaching videos and learning activities that will help them to make progress during their time at home! Please post their learning onto Seesaw as teachers will be checking journals weekly – they can’t wait to see how you get on!

If you need any help accessing any of the learning, please speak to your child’s class teacher…they are always happy to help!

New entry and exit points for Tuesday

Today was the first day that we have had all children return to us at 8.30am. All staff were observing the flow of parents through the school gates and as such have made some changes.

As of tomorrow (Tuesday) there will be 3 entry and exit points.

Please see the map attached School Map 2

If your child is in Mrs Geran’s, Miss Hullin’s, Miss Lancett’s or Nursery you will need to enter and exit school through the main front gates.

If your child is in Mrs Casswell’s, Miss Reese’s or Miss Kibblewhite’s class you will need to enter and exit school through the bottom playground gate.

If your child is in KS2 then you will need to enter and exit school through the carpark gates.

If you have more than one child to drop off and collect then please enter and exit school through the nearest gate to the classrooms.

Please be mindful to stay 2 metres away from all other families.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

The end of a great first week!

Dear parents and carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for you patience and understanding in our first week back. It has run very smoothly and most of you have been great at following the one-way system and remembering to socially distancing from each other. Our children have been wonderful and followed all procedures in school. Their behaviour this week has been exceptional and their teachers are very proud of them.

As of next week, our start time is 8.30-8.45am for all children and the finish time is 3pm. We are still having drop-off and collection points as the classroom external doors. Please continue to follow the one-way system and enter through the main gates and leave via the car park gates. Staff are supervising the gates in the morning and will make you go back the other way; this is in place to protect you, our children, staff and their families. Please be mindful when waiting for your child to enter their class that you are stood away from other families.

If you are late in the morning (after 8.45am), you will need to bring your child to the main office so we can record the time they enter school and the reason why they are late.

On your child’s PE day they need to arrive in school in PE kit and trainers (burgundy or white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and a grey hoodie).

Enjoy your weekend.

See you on Monday,

Katy Tomlinson

Breakfast Club Booking Form

Please find the link here to the Breakfast Club Booking Form.

Booking Form

We have had to make some changes to our Breakfast Club provision for the Autumn term due to being able to keep children socially distanced before they enter their bubbles.

If you are a working parent and require Breakfast Club provision, then please complete the form and return to A2134@telford.gov.uk.

You must book and pay for the half term in advance.


Where will my child’s classroom be?

On Wednesday 2nd September, we are looking forward to having our children return to school and although you know who your child’s teacher is going to be you may not know where their classroom is.

I have used all of my computing technical abilities to create a map that will hopefully show you how to find the classrooms after entering school from the front gates.

If you click on this link School Map it will take you to a PDF of the map.