Key Worker and Critical Care Booking Form

29 June 2020 Booking Form

If you are classed as a Key Worker as defined by the guidelines set out by the Government and wish to book a place in school, please complete the form and return to by Friday 26 June @ 10am.

Not all requests will be accepted.

Mrs Tomlinson

Key Worker Booking Form – 22nd June 2020

22nd June 2020 Updated Booking Form

Our numbers for Key Worker Critical Care are increasing so it is essential that you book your children in by returning this form by: Friday 19 June @10am

If we do not receive your form, we will not confirm your booking and a place will not be secured.

We are allowing a maximum of 10 children per classroom to ensure social distancing; this may mean that children from EY will be working alongside older year groups.

If you are a Key Worker, then our school policy is that you will be asked to provide evidence to show that you are a key worker and require childcare so that we can support as many families as possible.

We can offer Key Worker Care from 8.30-3.00pm, Monday to Friday. We are able to offer places based on these hours and days, but we are unable to accommodate children who need part-time hours e.g. 10am-12pm or just certain days. Children need to be booked in for a full week. The school office will not be manned in the afternoon and there will be nobody available to answer the door before 3pm.


The final part of ‘The Nothing to see here Hotel’

Click on the video to listen to the final part of ‘The Nothing to see here Hotel’ read by Mr Ratcliffe. Let’s hope he starts another one soon 🙂



School will reopen on Monday 15 June for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children

Following a meeting with the Governing Body today, we have made the decision to reopen our school on Monday 15th June to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children.

If you had decided to return your child to school you will be contacted by your class teacher, who will remind you of your allocated week.

Week A – 15 June 2020

Week B – 22 June 2020

If you did not initially want your child to return but have now changed your mind, then please contact the school office by Thursday lunchtime and you will be allocated your week and start date.

Please access the website / Facebook page for information regarding the start and finish times for your child as these will be different for each year group.

Looking forward to seeing you from a 2 metre distance next week.

Mrs Tomlinson