More goodies today (Wednesday)

Please come and help yourself outside the school office, following social distancing. 


Resources to support mental health from CAMHs

This is a collection of downloadable self-help guides that we really like and hope may be useful to you. Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents.

Booking Form – Week 7

Key-Worker-Booking-Form Week 7

Key Worker Families – if you are a key worker family that is booking a place for your child in school, please be reminded that you can only have days when the ‘key worker’ is at work. It may be that you will be requested to show your work schedule / rota for the week ahead prior to booking your place and a letter from your employer to state that you are a key worker.

Whilst we are happy to support all families, if children can be safely looked after at home then that is where they should be.

Please note: School is closed on Friday 8th May 2020.

Booking forms need to be with Mrs Pilgrim on by 10am on Friday 1st May.


Thank you

More information about a PODs card

Parents Opening Doors

A card has been designed for families whom have a child or young person with a disability or additional need- this is not for all children only those with a disability or additional need. Written on the card states that the family may need to travel to safe place to exercise (i.e. not road side walks on housing estates), the child would need to accompany the family member in to the shop as the cannot be left alone.

Further guidance:

How to get the card.

The family would need to register with POD’s, following this they would need to email explaining they have registered and they would like a card for their family. This will then enable the family within reason to go a little further for their exercise and somewhere safe and if approached they can show this card without having to explain.