Year 1 Tasks…

Welcome to the next set of tasks…

Tasks 3

Story: I am Peace


…and Emily Arrow’s song…


A fun game to help with blending for reading


These are called Chatterboxes or Cootie Catchers as they say here…

Children love to make a use these – with your help of course because they are a little tricky!

When you have followed them you can draw and write what you can see HERE…

Phonics Cootie Catchers | Phonics games, Phonics, Phonics board games
or HERE!
Literacy Cootie Catchers and Fortune Tellers for Vowel Sounds ...


Doubling pairs game! (This is also great for your memory! You can be tactical!)

Using the dominoes you made yesterday, cut them in half. (Chat about this as we will be looking at halving next week – two equal parts.) If you didn’t make your dominoes with paper then make them now. Lots of practise is the key!

Place the cards face down at random and mix them up! Take it in turns with your child to take two cards and turn them over. If they are the same amount you can keep them but you must work out the double first! If they are different quantities then turn them back around.

The winner is the person with the most doubles by the end.



If you want another challenge and have a pack of cards use them!

An ordinary pack of playing cards. | @SPorterEdu

This is a catchy doubling song! Your child will really need to know their doubles to sing it because there are no visual prompts.




Tasks 4

Story: Be a Friend

Emily Arrow puts the book into a song….



Phase 5 – Yes / No Questions
 Tell your child that each strip contains a question.
 Do they know what a question is?
 Do they know what a question mark looks like?
 Tell them that each question can be answered correctly with ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
 After they have read each question ( with your help) ask them to decide whether the correct answer is 

Yes-No Communication Cards by Words to Live By | TpT
 If they are incorrect, talk about the question. Are they clear about what it is asking?
 Cut the sentences into strips and practise each session in a random order. You could play it as a ‘turn taking’, ‘point scoring’ game.
 You could cut out the prompts above and ask your child to point to the answer to add a different dimension to the game.

Phase 5 – Yes / No Questions (write on strips)

or print and cut out…

Can you carry an elephant on your head?
Would you like to wave a magic wand?
Would you crawl into a thorn bush?
Have you ever seen a live crocodile?
Are you ready for school by nine in the morning?
Could a cactus grow in Antarctica?
Would you scream if you saw a snake?
Can magpies perch on clouds in the sky?
Would you put ice-cream in the freezer?
Has a cat got sharp claws?
Phase 5 – Yes / No Questions
Do you go to school in the holidays?
Is December a summer month?
Could you fly to Mars on a bike?
Has a space-ship ever been to the moon?
Could you make up a story about a giant?

Draw a silly picture to go with it if you want.




Make your own doubles grid like this one or print one out.

Practise doubles with this dinosaur doubles game!Students play ...

Roll a dice and double the number.

If you haven’t got a dice then you can make one like this . . .

FREE! - Dice Nets (teacher made)

A standard dice only goes to six but add higher numbers to make it much more challenging! Add 15 in there! Double 15 is 30 etc.

When you have doubled the number on the dice (you can do this by counting the dots twice/ getting objects/ remembering) then find the total on the board and place a counter on it. (You will need two sets of colour counters if you are playing against each other.)

The first person to get four counters in a row is the winner!


Tasks 5

Your child will know this song by Emily Arrow…



Some doubling word challenges to end the week and consolidate your knowledge!

Ask your child to read these first. Talk about how they could find out the answer. What clues are in the problems? What numbers do they give us? What is it that we need to find out?


A lady bird has 4 spots on one side and 4 on the other. How many spots are on the ladybird?

(We need to find out double 4. Shall we draw the ladybird to help us?)


Collect 9 sticks/ toys. If you had double amount, how many would you have?

(Double 9. We need to find out 9+9.)


Miss Hullin has 6 cakes. Miss Reese has double the amount Miss Hullin has! How many has Miss Reese got?


Draw 8 caterpillars on a leaf. Now 8 more slither on! How many caterpillars should you draw in total?


For another challenge play this online doubling game. Doubling Archery . . .

Archery Doubles - mobile friendly

Welcome to a new half term! Year 1!

Welcome back to our school posts. We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather and staying safe.

As we prepare to teach some of you again in school, we are changing the way we post our home learning,

Every 2 weeks we will upload groups of tasks that can be used and practised. Please dip into these at your own pace  and please reuse any resources that you have made during our time together eg. board games or tricky word games.

We all need to repeat and practise things we don’t know yet…regardless of how young or old we are…

Practice makes perfect

We have put some stories and songs to listen to each day…please have some fun with these!

Tasks  1

The story…

Hug Machine: Campbell, Scott, Campbell, Scott: Books

Our children also know a lovely singer called Emily Arrow. She likes to use books to inspire her songs. Today she is singing about The Hug Machine!


Time to recap on phonics

RWI Complex Speed Sounds chart (With images) | Read write inc ...


Please keep looking at the sounds that groups of letters make – if your child needs to. Please use this video again if it helps.

Can your child say the sound that represents each letter?

When you say a sound can they write each of the letters that represent that sound?

Can you find them on the balloons?

You can find this game

Phase 5 Phonemes on Popping Balloons PowerPoint


If you need to sign in put





This week we are learning about doubling!

DOUBLES! DOUBLES! (*new* 1-10 version) - YouTube

In this context it means twice the amount/ quantity.

What will happen to the size of the set? It will get bigger.


Listen and join in with this doubles rap!


Practical exploration of doubles.

Doubling ladybirds! Explain that the amount of spots on each side needs to be the same.

Ladybird Addition Template | Teaching Resources

Your child could draw their own ladybird.

Use raisins or cheerios or even chocolate buttons as the spots. Place the same amount on each wing. Say the double and find out the answer by counting them all/ counting on from the first wing.

Double the number of dots on the ladybirds' wings. EYFS (With ...

Write the equations.  Double 1. 1+1=2 Double 2. 2+2=4 Double 3. 3+3=6

Can you see a pattern? In order it’s counting in twos!




Tasks 2


The story:


Emily Arrows aong…enjoy and please try and join in too!


Play this fun phonics game -please practise the sounds that your child needs

Forest Phonics - Spelling game for kids | SteemPeak



or make this game to help remember and match the phonic sounds ..

Phonics Cups Literacy Game - The Imagination Tree

Use some of the sounds from the chart  below

– use cardboard and paper/stones/bottle tops whatever you have

Phase 5 Sounds Mat | Teaching Resources
If you’d like to extend it make some words- don’t forget to put the letters for each sound in the circle together eg. oe and au ( I would use the split digraphs in this game eg i-e

Phonics Cups Literacy Game - The Imagination Tree




Make your own double dominoes!

Domino tile double five vector illustration | Public domain vectors

Double 5 is 10.

Be as creative as you like.

Champagne Thursdays: Domino Rocks

Cut out rectangles, or make giant paper dominoes. Draw a line down the middle and draw an amount of dots on one side and the same on the other. (You could use stickers, paper shapes or pompoms if you have them!)

Dominoes Game - Planning Playtime

Then work out and say the double, like above!

Write the doubles using an equation: 5+5=10


Keep an eye out for the next set of tasks…

URGENT Information regarding the reopening of school

Saturday 23 May 2020,

Dear Parents,

We have spent another week trying to make key decisions for our school to extend the opening and preparing for this and we are all desperate to get life back to normal. We have always believed that Monday 1st June was a provisional date for returning and we were awaiting further guidance from the Government and medical experts.

As an SLT, and with support from our Chair of Governors, we have taken the decision based on the Independent SAGE report published today to NOT re-open our school to Nursery, Reception Year 1 and Year 6 on Tuesday 2nd June.

The Independent SAGE ‘interim findings and concerns’ document released today states on page 2, “decisions on school opening should be guided by evidence of low levels of COVID-19 infections in the community and the ability to rapidly respond to new infections through a local test, track and isolate strategy. There is no clear evidence that these conditions are met. Until they are it is not safe to open schools on June 1.”

On page 3, the Independent SAGE document states, “Delaying a school re-opening by two weeks (to June 15th) approximately halves the risk to children, and delaying the re-opening to September is less risky still.”

A delay to Monday 15th June will significantly diminish the risk to our children, our staff and families. As these are the most important things in our lives, I am sure you will fully agree with this decision. This gives us further time to ensure our risk assessments and buildings are ready, so we can ensure the safety of all our children and staff when we do return.

We will continue to review the situation throughout the coming weeks and make further decisions once we have a clear indication that the rate of infection in our area is declining and continuing to decline.

We will continue to support Home Learning after half term and to provide the provision for key worker children and our vulnerable children so rotas will be in place for staff to support this. If you wish to book a Key Worker place then please find the booking form on the school website and email it to

Thank you for your continued support as we try to make the right decisions for our community, which are all centred around keeping our children, staff and families safe.

My best wishes to you and your families,

Mrs Tomlinson                                          Simon Taylor

Headteacher                                             Chair of Governors

Year 1 Friday Challenges! Your last challenges before half term!

Here is your last weekly challenge before half term!

Make sure you have a lovely rest next week and enjoy playing with your toys, talking to your family and exercising safely outside if your situation allows.



Take kids for a nature walk | The Daily Star

You’ve guessed it! It’s Forest School Diary time!

Because we are learning about the 5 senses we challenge you to write 5 interesting paragraphs. Don’t’ forget the adjectives!

  1. What did you touch and how did it feel?
  2. For example, When I went on my daily exercise today I felt the harsh and bitter wind, pulling back my hair. It hit my ears and made them feel icily cold.
  3. What did you taste?
  4. This one is a bit trickier! Did you take a snack? Could you use this paragraph for a metaphor? I could almost taste the freshly cut, green grass just like a cow munching upon it!
  5. What did you hear? Was it a nice sound? How did it make your body react?
  6. The screeching of a cars wheels made me turn and wince.
  7. What did you see?
  8. What could you smell?



You could also write number equations on real balloons and let your child pop them if they can work out the answer!

Daily Ten will give you ten subtraction questions. Can you answer them before the time runs out!


Be active!

Paper Plate Tennis5 fun games to play with Paper plates - A girl and a glue gun




The sense of sight


Our eyes work together to allow us to see. To test how they work together you will need:

  • 4 pennies
  • a paper cup
  • Drop the penny. Do this again with one eye covered and then with both eyes open. Which way is easier? Your eyes work together for proper depth perception. Using both eyes should be easier to determine when the penny was above the cup.
  • Set the paper cup on a table about 2 feet in front of your subject who should be sitting in a chair at the table. Have the person cover one eye. Hold a penny in your hand about 1.5 feet above the table. Slowly move your hand in front of, in back of and to the sides of the paper cup. When, the person thinks you are above the cup, have them say “Drop”.
  1. Smell



Test your sense of smell this week by using small bowls with various odor producing substances in  and a blindfold!

sense of smell experiment

Thursday Challenges



Can you write your own paragraph of the story?

Talk about where Pippety could visit first – it could be anywhere! A river, a rock, a tree, a bridge, a lamppost, a magical toadstool, a fast car . . .

Talk about who he might meet there – a tiny ant, a ferocious dragon, an ugly goblin . . .

Talk about what trick he might do to the character he meets – makes them jump by pulling an ugly face, traps them in a net, pours water onto them.

Now write your own paragraph.

Soon Pippetty came to ______________________ (place) where a ________________________ (character) was sitting. “Now for some fun!” giggled Pippetty and he ________________________(trick).

(You could then explain how the character reacted – just like in the style of the story.)

Remember to use interesting adjectives, ones like we learnt about yesterday!




Outdoors subtraction – target games!

Math Categories (By Skill and Grade) Archives - Page 10 of 24 ...

Write lots of subtraction equations on small pieces of paper and stick them to a wall/ garage door outside.

Children throw a ball/ wet sponge/ shoot with a water gun and the wall, when they land on a subtraction equation they have to answer it using counters/ a number line/ counting backwards etc.

This is a floor version – if you have any chalk!

Make arithmetic fun for kids with this Sidewalk Chalk Outdoor Math Game!

Play ‘Funky Mummy’ to apply your subtraction knowledge.



Be active

Paper Plate Games

Stepping Stones

Use paper plates as stepping stones for a fun race. | Inspiration ...

The goal is to get from the start to the finish by using the paper plates as stepping stones.

Give each player 2 paper plates. Step on the paper plates. Pick one up and move it forward. Continue until you get to the finish line.

5 fun games to play with Paper plates | Paper plates, Fun games ...







We hear because sound waves travel through the air until they hit the ear drum. The sound waves vibrate the eardrum, which in turn, vibrates the bones of the middle ear. These vibrations are transferred to the cochlea, located in the inner ear. The cochlea translates those vibrations into stimuli that the ocular nerve can send to the brain.

It all starts with sound waves and the eardrum. To demonstrate how sound can actually be a physical force, you can do this simple experiment.

Studying The Senses | Human body science, Five senses preschool ...


You’ll need:

  • plastic wrap
  • 20 or so uncooked rice grains
  • large bowl
  • cookie sheet or metal baking pan

Stretch the plastic wrap over the bowl tightly. This is your eardrum. Place 20 or so rice grains on the tightened plastic wrap. Hold the pan or cookie sheet close to the blow, but not touching. Bang on the pan with your hand or large spoon making a loud noise. Watch the rice. It should jump each time you bang on the pan. The sound waves created should vibrate the plastic wrap making the rice move. Sound can be a physical force.

Ear Anatomy (labelled), illustration - Stock Image - C043/4838 ...



SciShow for Kids

Make the phone

Make a Paper Cup Phone (With images) | Fun stem activities, Simple ...

The Science of Waves: Awesome Sound Experiment for Kids (With ...



Year 1 Wednesday Challenges

We hope that you can enjoy the sunshine today safely! Here are your challenges!



In the story the author uses adjectives to describe the objects Pippety uses to trick the other characters.

These adjectives link to our learning about the 5 senses as you can imagine the sharp thorn etc.

Adjectives Anchor Chart | Writing anchor charts, Classroom anchor ...

Think about these four adjectives –






Can you think of a sentence to explain what they mean? You might need to look in a dictionary or online.

For example, Something that is soft feels nice to touch. It is not rough or hard.

Can you think of an action to depict this word?

How many sounds has this word got in it? S-o-f-t. The /ee/ sound in shiny is a /y/

Now think of 4 things that are soft, sharp, shiny and bright.

Can you find things in your house that are soft? Write them in a list.


Maths –

15+ Fun and Free Ideas for Teaching Subtraction | Teaching ...

This can be done with any delicious food!

You might try fruit such as blueberries. Raisins and crisps are great as you can get your hands on lots of them.

Start with ten or twenty. How many did you eat? 20-8= (How many are left?)


Here’s an online subtraction game to practise your knowledge.

Select subtraction!


Be active

Number Run

Teaching Outside of the Box...: Exploring Teen Numbers

Write numbers on different paper plates. Scatter the paper plates around the yard. Call out a number. Have the players run to find that number and bring it back to the start. Score a point for every correct number you find.




SciShow for Kids


The sense of taste comes from taste receptors on your tongue. However, your taste is, also, influenced by your sense of smell. To test this you will need skittles or fruity sweets of various flavours and a partner. Have your partner hold his or her nose. Give the skittles one at a time to your partner. Don’t let them see what colour it is. Have them try to guess the flavour. Record the answers. Do the experiment again but not holding your nose! Which way made it easier to determine the flavour?

NEMO Science Museum


Letter for Year 1 Parents: Reopening school

Please find a very important letter attached outlining our plans for the reopening of our Year 1 classes from Tuesday 2nd June 2020.

Year 1 letter to parents

You will be contacted individually this week via email / phonecall to inform you of your allocated week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Tremendous Tuesday tasks!



We love Pippety because he is ever so mischievious! Some might say naughty!

Design a poster to warn people of his tricks so that they don’t get caught out by him!

Wanted poster Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

Remember to:

« draw Pippety so that everyone will know what he looks like

« describe some of the tricks he likes to play

« tell everyone what they should do if they see Pippety

« offer a reward.



Ocean Animals Subtraction Games for Fact Fluency | Subtraction ...

In order to work out the answers to the subtraction sentence it would be a great idea if you had a group of objects your child could use like toys or pasta.

They may also use a number line as a strategy. Like this one here, in which they jump backwards to subtract.

Number Line To 20 Clipart

You could also make your own board game – drawing out this type of grid onto a piece of paper with different questions which are appropriate for your child.


If you are on a roll here is an online subtraction game – Minus Mission! Shoot the equations that make the answer you are given!


Be active

Blow the balloon.

Created a simple obstacle course (under a chair, around a pillow). On hands and knees and blow the balloon through the obstacle course.

Awesome Balloon Games for Kids - How Wee Learn




We are still learning about the human body but now we are thinking about our 5 senses!

The Senses-A Primer

Our bodies are amazing. We all have five senses. Senses are special things we can do.
We have:
Our eyes for seeing – This sense is sight
Our ears for hearing – This sense is sound
Our nose for smelling – This sense is smell
Our mouth for tasting – This sense is taste
Our hands for touching – This sense is touch

Imagine what it would be like not to have one of your senses. Get someone to blindfold you and try and walk to the door. Make sure someone helps you so that you don’t hurt yourself. Or you could try and watch the TV with the sound turned down. Not so much fun is it?



DIY Touch & Feel Mystery Box - YouTube

The sense of touch can be used all over the body. We have touch receptors just under our skin that give us lots of information. If you want to test someone’s sense of touch, make a touch box. Get a box with a lid and cut a hole in the side just large enough to fit your hand. Choose various, safe objects of various textures that will fit easily into the box. (cotton ball, rock, rubber ball, tree bark, a sponge, an apple…) Place one object in the box at a time, but don’t let the other person see. Allow the person to put their hand through the hole and try and guess what they are feeling.



Feely box!


Blind fold!

Box with hole –t-shirt over the top 2 holes in side put tshirt arms in holes

What's in the BOX? | Kids Sensory Challenge - YouTube




It’s going to be an ace Monday Year 1! Positive-thinking-hats at the ready!

Welcome to another week.

We hope that these activities will help your learning and give you some fun and giggles along the way!

Later in the week a balloon and some paper plates might come in handy!

This weeks spellings are all related to our body. You now know lots of games to help you remember them because you did them last week. Just take a look at our earlier posts.

  1. hand
  2. skull
  3. body
  4. head
  5. arms
  6. nose
  7. mouth
  8. hair
  9. ears
  10. toes
  11. fingers
  12. thigh


This week we will be focussing on the story you learnt last week – Pippety Skycap!

Here it is to remind you . . .

A message from Talk for Writing

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief!

Once upon a time, there was a pixie called Pippety Skycap who lived in the corner cupboard in a room just like yours. Pippety loved to have fun and loved to giggle, but most of all he loved to play tricks. One cloudy morning, he woke up feeling full of mischief. So, he put on his best blue jacket, squeezed into his spotty boots and set off to find some fun – hoppity skip, hoppity skip, hoppity skip.

Soon, he came to the old stone bridge where a grumpy troll was sleeping. “Now for some fun!” giggled Pippety and he pulled a soft feather from his pocket. Nearer and nearer he crept to the troll until he could tickle his warty nose with the feather. “A-A-A-CHOO!” The poor old troll woke up with a huge sneeze and tried to grab the tricky pixie. Luckily, Pippety was a tiny pixie, a teeny pixie and he slipped through the troll’s fat fingers. Off he sped – hoppity skip, hoppity skip, hoppity skip.

Next, he came to a prickly bush where a ginger cat was watching the birds. “Now for some fun!” giggled Pippety and he snapped off a sharp thorn from the bush. Nearer and nearer he crept to the cat until he could prick her tail with the thorn. “OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!” The poor cat spun round with a yowl and a howl and swiped at the tricky pixie. Luckily, Pippety was a tiny pixie, a teeny pixie and he dodged the long, sharp claws. Off he sped, hoppity skip, hoppity skip, hoppity skip.

Soon, he came to riverbank where an old toad was dozing on a shiny lily pad. “Now for some fun!” giggled Pippety and he pulled a bright blue balloon from his pocket. Nearer and nearer he crept to the toad until he was right beside his ear. He blew and he blew and he blew until – BANG! “My poor ears!” croaked the toad and he wibbled and wobbled and finally fell into the river with a gigantic splash.

Unfortunately, Pippety had not seen that on the next lily pad was the King Toad. It looked at him with mean, beady eyes, flicked out an enormous tongue and covered him in a thick, sticky goo! “YUCK!” cried Pippety and he ran off, squishing and squelching and squelching and squishing all the way home. That evening, Pippety Skycap had a long, hot bath, snuggled up with a mug of hot chocolate and thought about his day. He remembered the sticky, oozy goo that had covered him head to foot and frowned. “I’ll just have to be a careful tricky pixie tomorrow,” he mumbled and settled down to plan some more mischief!

© Talk for Writing 4

Now that you know the story, ask your child these questions. Ensure you child writes the answers in full sentences, using capital letters and full stops.

1. Where does Pippety Skycap live? Pippety Skycap lives …

2. What does Pippety love to do?

3. What is his favourite thing to do?

4. What happened to the troll?

5. What happened to the cat?

6. What happened to the old toad?

7. What did the King Toad do to Pippety?

8. Do you think Pippety will be a good pixie from now on? How do you know?



Watch this clip, ‘What is subtraction?’

You can even take  a quiz to check your understanding!

Subtraction games!

Subtraction Lego Game - The Kindergarten Connection

Build towers using lego/ cheerios/ books etc.

Challenge your child.

You have 19 books. I take away 5. How many are left?

Can you write this as an equation. 19-5=14

Repeat many times.


You could write the equation and ask your child to show you using the lego!


Be active

Emotions Yoga (Printable Poster | Yoga for kids, Childrens yoga ...

Can your child pull a face to represent this emotion too?

Can you remember a time when you were excited or grateful?



We’re continuing with our learning about skeletons today!

Function 3 – Strength and movement!

Make your skeleton move by doing the skeleton dance!

The Skeleton Dance: Halloween Poem for Kids - Kids Portal For Parents

Experiment – Think about the shape of bones. Some of the strongest bones are found in our arms and legs. Using a piece of paper can you make it into the strongest shape possible? Compare them to the shape of the bones in your skeleton.

Your shape must be able to hold a weight off the table. (Like a small bag of sugar, a book or a stone.)


Here are some ways . . . (don’t show your child until the end! So that they can get creative!)

Strong Shapes – how strong is a piece of paper – Science ...Building Week Part 2: Strong Shapes — All for the Boys

Friday Challenges




Forest School Diary

Write about the best activities you have done outside this week…




See the source image

Use your knowledge of number bonds to play this board game; you could print it out or copy it onto paper.

This one is tricky because there are missing numbers. Can you use your bead bracelet to find the missing number?

Adapt the numbers to make it easier or harder. Go to 20 – 11+?=20

Here’s an online game too!




Be Active

Start with a section of the paper, unfolding it and laying it flat. That is the  “dance floor”. Everyone  dance in their space. Before starting,  decide what is considered to be “dancing”. be dancing you had to move your arms and legs in some fashion. And so the dancing begins.. Choose your families favourite tracks! Next, we step off the newspaper and folded it in half and step on again. After a while, you will have to move in very creative ways to stay on the newspaper. Have a great time defining “dance”, practising making the fraction 1/2 and movin’ and groovin’ to some great tunes.

See the source image






Just for fun, make skeleton biscuits using a gingerbread man cutter! You can use a simple shortbread recipe.

Gingerbread Skeletons Recipe -

Skeleton Gingerbread Men Recipe - olivemagazine

Use a piping bag to pipe on the bones.

As you do this ask your child to recall the bones; I am drawing the pelvis now. I can remember how many bones are in an adult foot etc.


Or . . . use a simple salt dough recipe and use it to create a model of a skeleton.

Bones - Human Body Project (With images) | Human body projects ...

I use 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of water.

Add the water gradually and stop before it becomes too sticky.

The adult could write labels. The child to try and read them and stick them in the correct place

FREE Human Body Playdough Mats