Y6 English – Horror- Murder Most Unlady like

Year 6 began their new writing unit this week- HORROR. The children have been reading Robin Stevens, ‘Murder Most Unlady Like,’ and put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist and narrator, Hazel Wong. Our children took a walk through Deepdean Boarding School for Girls in the 1930’s, and discovered the scene of a dead teacher, Miss Bell on the sports hall floor. The children were then set to the task of describing the crime scene. Super detective work! Now to narrow down the suspects in this murder mystery…

Gymnastics success!

We are extremely proud of our Year 6 student Lola Walker, who was the overall, all-round champion for Shropshire county in her most recent gymnastics competition. Lola shows great dedication, attending training 4 days a week. In the competition, Lola demonstrated our school values of bravery and success. Lola won the majority of her disciplines including: Range, Bars and Beam. She also placed on Floor and Vault. Well done Lola!

Year 6- World War I Non-Chronological Reports


Our Year 6’s who stayed at school during France week completed some fantastic non-chronological reports on our overarching topic for spring, World War I. The children worked extremely hard across the week to research interesting facts about World War I before including them in their writing. Well done Year 6! They are amazing and we are really proud of you!

Year 6 ~France 2024

Our Year 6 set off in the early hours of Monday morning to catch a ferry from Dover to Calais. After 16 hours of travelling they eventually arrived at Chateau Beaumont. They had a fantastic time and spent their days exploring le Mont St Michel, the zoo, markets, supermarkets as well as spending time climbing, archery, fencing and team building. French night meant that they could experience a French delicacy of snails and frogs legs!!

The experience was amazing and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Everyone arrived home by midnight on Friday and I imagine spent a lot of the weekend sleeping.

Well done and thankyou to the wonderful adults: Mrs Pigg, Mr Johnson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Wust that gave up their time to go and the parents for allowing your children this experience.

Ramadan 2024

When is Ramadan 2024?

This Monday the 4th of March we welcomed Asma from Telford Central Mosque to talk to the children about Ramadan. Asma told us about how Muslims all over the world would be paying special attention to their faith during this holy month. Many children knew lots about Ramadan from their learning in school, their community or their own faith. Some children l that many Muslims would be dedicating time to reading Surahs (chapters) of the Quran, fasting, giving to charity or helping others, spending time with family and friends and attending Mosque for an extra prayer during Ramadan.
The children asked thoughtful questions and observed our school and British values conscientiously. Asma praised the children and our learning environment, commenting on the warm feeling and interest of the children, even down to our youngest Reception students.
We thank her and Telford Central Mosque for enriching our learning!

Poetry day with Pep the Poet

We had a fantastic visit from Pep the poet. He treated us to some funny, inspiring and silly poems. Our favourite part was when Pep read his poems in different accents and encouraged us to fill in the rhyming words. We laughed and wanted to write our own poems, just like Pep!

Eloise Williams speaks all things books with Year 6

Our Year 6 children were extremely privileged to speak with Eloise Williams,  author of their English model text ‘Gaslight’, set in Victorian Britain. The children were enthralled by the book and enjoyed writing letters pretending to be the protagonist ‘Nansi’. Some of the children were even able to share their letters with Eloise. They prepared for the session with some fantastic questions and thoroughly enjoyed speaking to Eloise.

What did Eloise say about us and our work?

“Thank you so much for sending these over to me. What an amazing thing for an author to read about her character from a reader’s perspective. All the letters are brilliant! I have so enjoyed them all. Thank you so much to all the children for their wonderful words. ”


World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March.
We have not dressed up in ages so we would children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There are prizes on offer so think creative and flamboyant; the more home-made the more chance of winning!
I can’t wait to get my costume ready 🙂