Welcome to Year 6
We are so pleased to welcome you to our Year 6 team! This year we will have lots of fun and learn plenty along the way! You can look forward to our overarching topics: The Victorians, World War I and our Madeley local study. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the adults in our year group. These include Miss Brown, Mrs Robson, Miss Garrett (teaching assistant) and Miss Brown (cover supervisor).
Weekly Events
Our PE days in Autumn 2 are every Tuesday and Wednesday – please ensure children have kit for all weather eventualities! We will be completing dance and tag rugby this term and will need inside and outdoor kit.
We invite you in to classes for our parent reader mornings. In Year 6, we offer a Tuesday morning 8:30-9:00.
Spelling and times table tests are every Friday.
TT Rockstars and Seesaw
TT Rockstars is an excellent resource for all of our children to practise their multiplication fluency! All children in Year 6 should have quick recall of facts up to 12 x 12.
Seesaw is our online learning platform and is where we will put any information that we need to share. Please sign up to view your child’s journal as you will get a great insight into what they are up to at school and we can reward them for their home reading and any other home learning tasks! Each week home reading and spellings will be assigned.
All links to these apps are located on this page.
Year 6 is a long year! We don’t set homework with due dates but instead have activities the children can be doing all year round. We expect children to read at home daily and we encourage children, or parents, to record this on Seesaw so we can reward frequent readers.
We have also given out Mathematics and Literacy revision guides this year. We would like children to slowly chip away at these guides year round to aid their learning in the build-up to SATs. We also like to see children using Times Table Rockstars to aid mathematical fluency.
We encourage children to read daily at home. Spellings and reading are posted weekly on seesaw and rewards given for children who complete it.
We tell children that year six is a marathon not a sprint! We do not expect children to work for hours after school. We strongly encourage children to relax and enjoy themselves alongside small amounts of daily revision.
Year 6 End of year events
As the SATs are finished, we have numerous fun events and days out the children will be taking part in, below are some key dates for transition and events.
Prom- 10th July 2025
France- 3rd-7th March 2025