Year 6

Emma Robson
Year 6 Class Teacher
Emily Brown
Year 6 Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 applying for a Secondary School Place

Good afternoon,

It is that time of year again where you need to start thinking and looking at which secondary school you would like your child to attend in September 2025.

To apply for your place you need to access the Telford and Wrekin website and follow the pages thread below:

It should take you to a page that looks something like this:

Click the red button and make your choices.

It is vital that you make the maximum amount of choices; our experience is that if you only put one and you are not allocated this then you are given any school and that could be the other side of Telford. Visiting the schools is a great idea so you can see what they are like and get a feel for if your child will be happy and successful there; as soon as these dates are available we will let you know.

We are happy to help you complete your application and we have many colleagues that can help! Just pop and see Mrs Pilgrim or the Y6 teachers and we will organise this.

The deadline is: 31st October 2024 and applications MUST be submitted by then.

Letter from Telford and Wrekin


See previous messages & posts

Welcome to Year 6

We are so pleased to welcome you to our Year 6 team! This year we will have lots of fun and learn plenty along the way! You can look forward to our overarching topics: The Victorians, World War I and our Madeley local study. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the adults in our year group. These include Miss Brown, Mrs Robson, Miss Garrett (teaching assistant) and Miss Brown (cover supervisor).

Weekly Events

Our PE days in Autumn 2 are every Tuesday and Wednesday – please ensure children have kit for all weather eventualities! We will be completing dance and tag rugby this term and will need inside and outdoor kit.

We invite you in to classes for our parent reader mornings. In Year 6, we offer a Tuesday morning 8:30-9:00.

Spelling and times table tests are every Friday.

TT Rockstars and Seesaw

TT Rockstars is an excellent resource for all of our children to practise their multiplication fluency! All children in Year 6 should have quick recall of facts up to 12 x 12.

Seesaw is our online learning platform and is where we will put any information that we need to share. Please sign up to view your child’s journal as you will get a great insight into what they are up to at school and we can reward them for their home reading and any other home learning tasks! Each week home reading and spellings will be assigned.

All links to these apps are located on this page.


Year 6 is a long year! We don’t set homework with due dates but instead have activities the children can be doing all year round. We expect children to read at home daily and we encourage children, or parents, to record this on Seesaw so we can reward frequent readers.

We have also given out Mathematics and Literacy revision guides this year. We would like children to slowly chip away at these guides year round to aid their learning in the build-up to SATs. We also like to see children using Times Table Rockstars to aid mathematical fluency.

We encourage children to read daily at home. Spellings and reading are posted weekly on seesaw and rewards given for children who complete it.

We tell children that year six is a marathon not a sprint! We do not expect children to work for hours after school. We strongly encourage children to relax and enjoy themselves alongside small amounts of daily revision.

Year 6 End of year events 

As the SATs are finished, we have numerous fun events and days out the children will be taking part in, below are some key dates for transition and events.

Prom- 10th July 2025

France- 3rd-7th March 2025

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Home Learning – All Year Groups

If your child needs to learn from home during Autumn Term, please access their year group information page (in Parents News / Classes) for links to teaching videos and learning activities that will help them to make progress during their time at home! Please post their learning onto Seesaw as teachers will be checking journals weekly – they can’t wait to see how you get on!

If you need any help accessing any of the learning, please speak to your child’s class teacher…they are always happy to help!

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Computer Coding with Mr G!

Hello everyone, Mr G here.

Join me in creating our very own ‘Chatbot’ Scratch project aimed at pupils in Key Stage Two.

All you will need is a computer/laptop or iPad/tablet and access to the internet.

We are going to create the following project:
Use this site to help you design your very own talking bot!

You will build your scratch project in scratch here:

Then, along with the help of an adult, join me live where you can ask me any questions about the project, or Scratch in general!

Just click on the link for the 10-11am slot on both Thursday and Friday. Access the link here:

For more information, watch the helpful video here:




See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Comic Relief 2025 at SAF
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Safer Internet Day 2025
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Young Coders
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Comic Relief 2025 at SAF
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Safer Internet Day 2025
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Young Coders