‘Good Old Julia Donaldson!’

Gruffalo Facebook page – doing weekly posts too …




Image from The Smeds and The Smoos
Image from The Stickman
The Gruffalo
Image from A Squash and A Squeeze

Fabulous Friday Challenge


  1. Have a tricky word Easter hunt! Get your child to write tricky words on paper shaped like eggs and hide them around your house and garden! Can they find them all and read them !  Possibly use them in a sentence? Words to use:

come   what     two     little     when      have      their      all

   there   ask  where    some   they    your   here    was




These songs can be found to help learn them too – you can find them for other phases 3,4 and 5. They are all really useful.

2. Project –  Draw or paint a rainbow to put up in your window IF you’d like to say a big thank you to our key workers and spread some cheer.

If you need some help you might want to look at this video – but please feel free to be as creative as you want to.


3. Our final Easter Maths challenge for the whole family.

This could be good fun if you used Mini eggs – 3 different colour and use 3 different containers.

Eggs in Baskets

Age 5 to 7 

There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of ten eggs.The Brown basket has one more egg in it than the Red basket.

The Red basket has three fewer eggs than the Pink basket.

How many eggs are in each basket?

We will give you the answer when we come back with your daily challenges after the Easter holiday. Have fun and don’t eat all the eggs until you have solved the problem.


Miss Reese and Miss Hullin want to wish you a safe and happy Easter.

You have all worked so hard trying to complete our challenges that we think you all deserve a break over the next 2  weeks – your normal Easter break! (Yes – you too grown-ups!)


Look out for more posts in 2 weeks!









URGENT – Free School Meals

If you are eligible for FSM then please send your email address, full name and child’s name to A2134@telford.gov.uk as a matter of urgency.
We are trying to organise your FSM vouchers and still have 75 email addresses missing!

Tuesday’s Challenges

Hope some of you enjoyed the Bug Safari today.

If you need some more challenges, here’s a few more for tomorrow. If you are still working off our original list -that’s great too!


  1. PHONICS – Read The Easter Story on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Easter/EasterStory.aspx  Answer these questions: What do Christian’s believe happened at The Last Supper? Have lots of discussion about this Christian story.  Children could write the answers if they would like a challenge! Describe what Jesus was made to wear at his crucifixion. What does jealous mean? Why are the priests jealous of Jesus?
  2. Make Easter biscuits. Can you decorate them with patterns? You can find a recipe on   https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/iced-easter-biscuits
  3.  MATHS – Listen to The Months of the Year Song                                                  Look at a calendar if you have one or one online. Discuss the seasons in relation to the months of the year. Talk about special events in your child’s life such as which month is your birthday in? Which month do we start school in? When is Christmas?    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe9bnYRzFvk

Monday’s Challenges


Write about the signs of spring you have spotted.(Just like in our Forest School Diaries!) Remember to write sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you make your writing really interesting by describing the things you have seen using adjectives? Use your phonic knowledge to sound-talk the words. If it is a long word, clap the syllables in it so that you don’t miss any sounds out.

For example – I saw beautiful, pink blossom, like candy floss, growing on a tree.

If you couldn’t get outside maybe watch Sci Show for kids on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaZ2CICGuL8&t=634s


Wrap up and go in your garden – if you can!  Go on a Bug Safari – don’t forget to look under rocks and stones. Stamp on the floor with your whole family and see how many worms come up to see you – this is sometimes called ‘worm charming’. Please don’t forget to return all living things back to where you found them –just as we would in Forest School.

Spring is well and truly kicking in now, and the warmer weather will bring lots of creepy crawlies out. You’ll soon notice your garden teeming with wildlife! Can you find…

a worm after a spring shower

a bumblebee looking for nectar

a spotty ladybird exploring the grass

a slimy snail in a dark damp spot

a butterfly basking in the sunshine?

Draw/paint pictures of what you find.



Listen to The 7 Days of The Week Song


Ask children –

What day is it today?

What day was it yesterday?

What day will it be tomorrow?

If today is Monday, the tomorrow will be . . .

Can you make a weekly diary so that children are using the days of the week? e.g. On Monday we had soup for lunch.


Hello from Miss Reese and Miss Hullin

A big HELLO from Miss Reese and Miss Hullin – we are missing you all!!

Hope some of you have been enjoying the lovely sunny spring weather in your gardens!

Here’s a reminder of some of the activities we suggested in your resource pack.


  • Read lots of books with your child; talk about the plot and ask and answer questions. Support them to sound-talk and blend words.
  • Write a book review about a book; what did you like? What did you not like? Draw a picture.
  • Draw a new front cover for a book. Could you add a speech or a thought bubble?
  • Can you re-write the story? Could you re-write it and change where the story setting is/ or change a character.
  • Act out a story yourself and using toys.
  • Make puppets of your favourite story character using paper, card, old gloves and socks!
  • Watch Julia Donaldson books on BBC iplayer and turn the sub-titles on to practise reading.
  • Practise reading and writing tricky words. Play games with them such as snap or splat! Can you remember the letters in that tricky word? Can you write a sentence with that tricky word in?
  • Online phonics games; www.ictgames.com
  • www.lettersandsounds.com
  • Practise your handwriting!




  • Play a board game; snakes and ladders!
  • Count forwards and backwards to 100.
  • Make your own number line using a long roll of paper – can you jump forwards and backwards? What is one more or one less than that number?
  • Put number cards in order.
  • Count out groups of objects up to twenty! 1 car, 2 teddies, 3 sweets …
  • Use objects to add together or subtract two or three sets and write the equation 9+5= 23-8=
  • Name 3D shapes and see if you can find any objects in your house that match them? What properties does a ball/ sphere have? 1 curved face.
  • Online maths gameswww.topmarks.co.uk
  • www.bbb.co.uk/bitesize
  • www.ictgames.com

Cross-curricular projects

  • Bake something delicious; write the ingredients in a list, write the method and read the recipe. Use scales and cups to measure ingredients. Create a food menu for your tea!
  • Research a sea creature! Use books/ the internet with help from an adult. Write a fact-file!
  • Sort animals in the sea into omnivores, carnivores or herbivores! Record this by writing and drawing.
  • Build the titanic using blocks in you have them or junk modelling materials such as tubes, food packets etc. Think about all the different parts of the ship such as the funnels and the hull. Draw the titanic and label it.
  • Make a paper-mache globe using a balloon and newspaper and glue. Talk about and label the seven continents and the oceans of the world.
  • Use google maps to find places in the world.
  • Make some playdough! Add smells and colours. Create 3D sculptures; make shapes.
  • Design a life-jacket that would be able to float in your sink for 10 minutes. Discuss materials that float and sink.
  • Look after a plant; talk about leaves, buds, stems. What happens over time?
  • Grow anything from seeds; observe what happens. For example, cress – it even grows on cotton wool!

If some of you have been really busy and want some more ideas – we are just about to post tomorrow’s Daily Challenges!


Year 2 Extra Home Learning Tasks

Year 2, here are some extra home learning tasks you might wish to complete. Year 2 Home Learning

Complete these tasks in your red book, take a picture and upload anything on to SeeSaw. We would love to see what you’re doing.

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

Contacting school whilst closed

Please be advised that the office will not be open during normal school hours.

If you have any urgent queries, please email A2134@telford.gov.uk which is regularly checked by our Office Admin Team.

Many thanks

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