Year 5 Home Challenges

Year 5 – Home Learning

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Record a brief summary to describe what it is that you have read.

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).

Task 3: Spend 20 minutes on either Maths or English games from the list of websites below.

Task 4: design 10 questions about the Vikings for our class Kahoot game.

Task 5: Write a short diary entry so that you can update the class about what you have been up to!

Task 6: Complete an A4 profile for someone that you think is fantastic. This person can be fictional or real.

Task 7: Create yourself calculations using the digits 0-9: column addition (4 digit), column subtraction (4 digit), long multiplication (4 digit by 2 digit) and bus stop division (4 digit by 1 digit).

Task 8: Complete a fact file on Roald Dahl. Who was he? What were his main achievements?

Task 9: Draw and label a map of your local area. Use symbols and a key. Can you create questions to go with your map?

Task 10: Plan a route to go on a bike ride/ walk in your local area. Draw and label the route. If possible, follow your route and take pictures along the way.

Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Keeping Active!
Each day, get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Bonus Activities!

  • Prepare a meal for your family and serve it.
  • Learn to say hello in different languages. Who can learn the most?
  • Plant a flower or a plant and look after it.
  • Build a den. Remember to take a picture!
  • Make a picnic and take it somewhere with a friend or family member.


Please show us what you have been doing on SeeSaw!

Below are a list of websites that the children are familiar with which will provide some addition support and challenges.

Maths and timestables

English and SPaG

Year 2 Home Challenges

Year 2 – Home Learning

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too!

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (logins are at the front of your home learning book).

Task 3: Write a short diary entry so that you can update the class about what you have been up to!

Task 4: Each day, complete one ’10-minute test’ arithmetic test (see handout – you can also download more on Twinkl using the free login details).

Task 5: Research plants and create a fact file (draw a flower, label it and write facts about how they grow, what they need etc).

Task 6: Write a short story that includes a villain. You can base this on a character from a book or a film if it helps!

Task 7: Create yourself calculations using the digits 0-9: column addition (2 digit), column subtraction (2 digit), multiplication (2s, 5s and 10s) and division (2s, 5s and 10s).

Task 9: Write a letter to Year 1 explaining what they should expect from Year 2 next year! Try to include the features from our Year 2 Writing Checklist.

Task 10: Draw and label a map of your local area. Use symbols and a key. Can you create questions to go with your map?

Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Brain Breaks!
Each day, when you are completing your tasks, try to get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Optional Extras!

  • Cooking! Can you make something delicious? Take a photograph or draw a picture!
  • Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?
  • Write a song! It could be a song that will help you/the class to revise?
  • Artwork! Can you complete a still life sketch of an object in your house? Try to pick something inspirational!

Further learning websites:


Teach Your Monster to Read.

Times Table Rockstars

Oxford Owl

Remember to keep active, there are an array of keep fit videos online to include; Cosmic Yoga, Just Dance and 5 Minute Moves with The Body Coach.

Year 6 Home Challenges

Year 6 – Home Learning

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too!

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).

Task 3: Write a short diary entry so that you can update the class about what you have been up to!

Task 4: Each day, complete one ’10-minute test’ per CGP book (maths, reading and SpAG).

Task 5: Complete an A4 profile for somebody you feel is a ‘modern day hero’ e.g. Greta Thunberg.

Task 6: Write a short story that includes a villain. You can base this on a character from a book or a film if it helps!

Task 7: Create yourself calculations using the digits 0-9: column addition (4 digit), column subtraction (4 digit), long multiplication (4 digit by 2 digit) and long division (4 digit by 2 digit).

Task 8: Complete an Electricity Fact File. What do you know? Include definitions, labelled diagrams and explanations as to how you think electricity works!

Task 9: Write a letter to Year 5 explaining what they should expect from Year 6 next year! Try to include the features from our Year 6 Writing Checklist.

Task 10: Draw and label a map of your local area. Use symbols and a key. Can you create questions to go with your map?


Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Brain Breaks!

Each day, when you are completing your tasks, try to get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Optional Extras!

  • Cooking! Can you make something delicious? Take a photograph or draw a picture!
  • Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?
  • Write a song! It could be a song that will help you/the class to revise?
  • Artwork! Can you complete a still life sketch of an object in your house? Try to pick something inspirational!

Year 3 Home Challenges

Year 3 – Home Learning Activities

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too! (EBook link below)

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).

Task 3:  Complete a section of the Maths- Place value booklet (handout from school)

Task 4: Draw and label a map of your local area.

Task 5: Complete a reading comprehension (In handout from school)

Task 6: Write a short story that is a twist of a Traditional tale.

Task 7: Design a healthy plate of food- label it with what nutrients each item contains.

Task 8: Complete a page of your Spring-English activity book (handout from school)

Task 9:  SPAG activity mat- link below

Task 10: Complete an ‘Elsa’ isolation activity- link below


Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Brain Breaks!
Each day, when you are completing your tasks, try to get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Optional Extras!

  • Cooking! Can you make something delicious? Take a photograph or draw a picture!
  • Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?



See you soon!

Mrs Vickers and Miss Kibblewhite

Year 4 Home Challenges

Year 4 – Learning Is Fun!


READING : Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too!

CHARACTER DESCRIPTION – Draw your favourite character from your story and write a character description.

TT ROCK STARS : Practice TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).  Battle your rival class in the arena.   Challenge your peers or teacher to a battle.

DIARY: Keep a short log of what you have been up too!  This can be shared upon return to school

MATHS CHALLENGE: Each day, complete one ’10-minute maths challenge’ from the maths sheet.  Tick each area of as you go along.

FACT FILE: Complete an A4 fact file on a local hero of your choice – e.g. Thomas Telford/ Abraham Darby.

BAKING: Bake a family favourite traditional dish.  Write a set of instructions for your recipe.  Draw a picture of your delicious dish!

ELECTRICITY: Complete an Electricity Fact File of devices around your home. Create a poster of ways to stay safe around electricity at home.

LETTER: Write a letter to Year 3 explaining what they should expect from Year 4 next year! Try to include the features from our Year 4 checklist.

MAP: Draw and label a map of your local area. Use symbols and a key. Can you create questions to go with your map?

COMPUTING: Use scratch to create your own game.

SPELLINGS – Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

PE – each day, try to get up and move around every half an hour.  You could simply walk around and stretch.

Complete a Jo Wicks 5 minute challenge.

Complete a cosmic yoga challenge. For example –

Optional Extras!

  • Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?
  • Write a song! It could be a song that will help you/the class to revise?
  • Artwork! Can you complete a still life sketch of an object in your house? Try to pick something inspirational!







Each child who completes 5 tasks will receive a tasty reward!  A raffle ticket will be given for any tasks completed over 5, and then entered into a prize draw for an Easter egg.

Extra files to use:
Character profile Maths homework grid – Y3 Y4 Spellings t-m-30944-times-table-games Year 4 Main Activities

Picture News – Learning from home pack

Your children will be familiar with the work they carry out in school related to current affairs and news around the world from our Picture News lessons. This learning pack is around the theme of ‘Space Tourism’ with a whole host of activities you can carry out at home.

Have fun!


Here are the files you need:
Learning from Home Ideas – 23rd March Picture News Prompt 1 Picture News Prompt 2 Planet Fact File Virgin Galactic Writing Plan

STEM club visit to Engineering department at Wolverhampton Uni

On Wednesday afternoon, STEM club, along with our STEM ambassadors, were kindly invited to the home of the Engineering school at the University of Wolverhampton to have a tour of the facilities and take part in some activities.

The children attempted to perform a tyre change on an F1 car. They were allowed to have a practice go before being timed by one of the engineers. Paris came out top with the fastest time of 7.23 seconds and was presented with a prize of a model car. The engineers commented how the times set by the children were as good as, if not better, than the actual engineers at the school.

Children were then invited to have a go at the F3 race car simulator where they had to set the fastest lap. Well done to Faythe for setting the fastest time.

Paul then took us on a tour of the factory and showed the children a lot of machinery to explain how parts of the cars were manufactured. Paul discussed the range of materials used and why they are used. He showed how the ideas start as a design (CAD) before being manufactured (CAM).

The children left completely enthused by the whole experience and we thank Paul and his team for the afternoon.


Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner will be held in school this year on Wednesday, 11th December. Parents must complete the form to book their child’s place and it costs £2.30, unless your child is in receipt of free school meals or in Reception/ Key Stage One. Children will be allowed to wear their Christmas jumpers on this day!

Children in Need

Thank you to all the donators, bakers, chefs, eaters and mufti-dressing-children who contributed towards Children in Need on Friday. With your support we raised a whopping £738! Many thanks for your support.
Sports Relief is next… and we have big plans!!

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