Speakers at the Westminster SEND forum.

Mrs Pigg and Mrs Tomlinson have spoken at the Westminster Education Forum and talked about our SEND provision in school. They championed the need for more funding for SEND needs and for earlier intervention in EYFS. We have an exemplary provision for our SEND learners and it was positive to celebrate how our school adapts to fit the needs of our pupils.


WEdF SEND Speaker Biographies – 15.07.24

Our rainbow room

Primary schools are busy places. Each morning is a hum drum of activity with teachers and support staff arriving and preparing lessons for the day ahead however at our school, our designated team of safeguarding leads is also opening the doors to our Rainbow Room with the aim to support our children, their families, and the wider community.


You may think our Rainbow Room is just that, a brightly designed room providing a safe space but our service is much more than what takes place within those four walls. Our Rainbow Room provision starts before the school day even begins!

Support before school

Many children at our school have siblings who attend another school, whose parents may have work commitments or who just need that little extra support. We have children who want to walk to school with their friends, safely. A popular solution, even in the rain… the walking bus!


This has proved to be a great way to support families who live close by but when we started renting a minibus, an idea initially born to drive our children to sports competitions, we soon realised such an asset could provide so much more, especially to families that aren’t local – picking children up so they too can arrive in time for their lessons!


We will do our utmost to ensure our children get to school and when they, and any parents or carers who may be with them arrive, they will always be greeted at 8.30am when the school doors open. Come rain or shine, the children will always start the school day greeted by a friendly familiar face.


Support in school

Our actual Rainbow Room is in a central location that both children and staff can easily visit during the school day. We have a Rainbow Room card system which provides children that may need a few moments out of a busy, stimulating classroom – children who are facing challenges at home, those who are new to our school, those with SEND or sometimes children that just want to see a friendly face, space where they can take time to reflect. The room has proved so successful that whilst some children visit the room for a minute or two, others would stay all day if they could to the point we’ve even had to introduce a visual timer!

Support outside of school

Our school is situated in one of the cheapest rental property areas in the UK. Consequently, many families have moved here, many of which have English as an additional language. Our Rainbow Room team help families secure school and nursery places for their children, and we contact charities and other external agencies that offer housing and food crisis support. We will also signpost families to furniture banks as well as community and family centres and we’ll support families with school admissions both for our school and when children make their next steps to secondary schools.


Also, on a Monday and Wednesday our Assistant Head Teacher collects surplus food from our local Aldi and displays this at the front of the school. This gives families the opportunity to take what they need and unsurprisingly, the box always empties.


Support from afar

Our safeguarding leads have weekly meetings with SLT, SEND and attendance teams so that we can identify children and families that need additional support. Our comprehensive safeguarding computer system, that is used and recognised by many schools through the United Kingdom, allows us to send and receive documents securely, meaning we can prepare to support children and their families before they even step through our door, whatever part of the UK they came from.


A ’typical day’ for our inclusion staff starts with logging onto systems, checking emails and calendars but from there on in, no one day is ever the same. You never know the challenges that families are facing and who may need your support, however small or large, but our staff pride themselves on knowing that the Rainbow Room provision tries to support every family in our school community, providing hope beyond the school gates.



Beam Parent & Professional Virtual workshops Sept 2023

Hello All


Shropshire Beam are pleased to provide Virtual workshops for Parents & Professionals from September 2023. All virtual workshops will take around an hour.


All details below in the chart, you need to click on Link at the appropriate time of chosen Workshop. All workshop will be done via M S Teams Video call, we are unable to record sessions. The Workshops are derived to be informative and engaging sessions, please be willing to participate during the sessions.


There are four Workshops which will be rolled out at 4pm to enable more people to attend, please see the following details of content:-


  • Managing Anxiety – aims & Objectives are to pass over psycho – education within the topic followed by practical suggestions of methods & techniques to help support the youth experience issues with anxiety.


  • Understanding & Responding to SelfHarm –  – aims & Objectives are to pass over psycho – education within the topic followed by practical suggestions of methods & techniques to help support the youth experiencing issues with self-harm.


  • Wellbeing Planning – a workshop which explains & provides a tool for Children & Young people to support their general Emotional Health & Wellbeing, it recognises triggers and promotes self-awareness, his can also be used as a relapse tool to support resilience.


  • Sleep Support – aims to pass over psycho – education within the topic followed by practical suggestions & advise of methods & techniques to help support the children & young people having difficulties with getting to sleep and staying a sleep. This workshop will be rolled out twice over the four weeks, due to popular demand.


Date & Time Title M S Teams Link
Wednesday 6th September

at 4pm for approx. 1.5 hour.

Supporting and understanding Self-harm  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 371 115 525 385
Passcode: DtxaiT

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Learn More | Meeting options


Wednesday 13th September

at 4pm for approx. one hour.

Wellbeing Planning  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 311 520 510 925
Passcode: y59KTN

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Learn More | Meeting options





Wednesday 20th September  at 4pm for approx one hour. Managing Anxiety  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 315 062 239 584
Passcode: YWqogU

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Learn More | Meeting options



Wednesday 27th September

4pm for approx. one hour

Sleep Support  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 397 258 114 808
Passcode: Hejsdr

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Learn More | Meeting options





Wednesday 4th October  at 4pm for approx. 1.5 hour. Supporting and understanding Self-harm



Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 323 149 966 230
Passcode: 6Bz9Wb

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Wednesday 11th October

at 4pm for approx. one hour

Wellbeing Planning  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 358 779 627 563
Passcode: rQ34MT

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Wednesday at 18th October 4pm for approx. one hour. Managing Anxiety  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 374 630 923 115
Passcode: 6MwEJp

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Wednesday 25th h October

4pm for approx. one hour.

Sleep Support  

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 377 925 976 349
Passcode: T2766o

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Learn More | Meeting options







Joanna Dovaston

Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Lead Practitioner

Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Beam

The Children’s Society


Website: https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk//beamshropshire



Find us on Instagram! @ShropshireBeam 


Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Beam

The Children’s Society

9 Market Square






We are working towards the SEND and inclusion award

SENDIA – SEND Inclusion Award | AwardPlace

This award helps schools deliver high-quality education for pupils with SEND. Compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, the award framework focuses on removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching and leadership.

We will keep you informed of this throughout our journey.

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
Safeguarding Logo
Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
Shropshire Cricket Primary School of Year 2023
Skills Builder
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