Speakers at the Westminster SEND forum.

Mrs Pigg and Mrs Tomlinson have spoken at the Westminster Education Forum and talked about our SEND provision in school. They championed the need for more funding for SEND needs and for earlier intervention in EYFS. We have an exemplary provision for our SEND learners and it was positive to celebrate how our school adapts to fit the needs of our pupils.


WEdF SEND Speaker Biographies – 15.07.24

Ramadan 2024

When is Ramadan 2024?

This Monday the 4th of March we welcomed Asma from Telford Central Mosque to talk to the children about Ramadan. Asma told us about how Muslims all over the world would be paying special attention to their faith during this holy month. Many children knew lots about Ramadan from their learning in school, their community or their own faith. Some children l that many Muslims would be dedicating time to reading Surahs (chapters) of the Quran, fasting, giving to charity or helping others, spending time with family and friends and attending Mosque for an extra prayer during Ramadan.
The children asked thoughtful questions and observed our school and British values conscientiously. Asma praised the children and our learning environment, commenting on the warm feeling and interest of the children, even down to our youngest Reception students.
We thank her and Telford Central Mosque for enriching our learning!

Inclusion: A tale of five rooms!

This month we have an article in the magazine ‘Headteacher Update’ that tells the story of how Sir Alexander Fleming won the NASEN Award for Primary Provision of the Year 2023 and how at the heart of this success is the nurturing and inclusive provision we provide to meet the diverse needs of our learners.

Click here to read the full article and search for page 30!

Headteachers update Jan 2024 page 30

Holiday Dates for 2023-2024

HOLIDAY DATES – click here

September 2023 to July 2024


Monday 4th September
Friday 6th October
Monday 6th November
Friday 22nd December
Monday 22nd July

Autumn Term

Monday 4th September 2023: PD Day (children do not attend school)
Tuesday 5th September 2023: All children return to school at 8.30am
Friday 6th October 2023: PD Day (children do not attend school)
Friday 27th October 2023: Children finish at 3pm for half term (1 week)

HALF TERM: Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November 

Monday 6th November 2023: PD Day (children do not attend school)
Tuesday 7th November 2023: All children return to school at 8.30am
Thursday 21st December 2023: Children finish at 1pm for end of term (2 weeks)
Friday 22nd December 2023: PD Day (children do not attend school)

Spring Term

Monday 8th January 2024: All children return to school at 8.30am
Friday 9th February 2024: Children finish at 3pm for half term (1 week)

HALF TERM: Monday 12th February – Friday 16th February

Monday 19th February 2024: All children return to school at 8.30am
Friday 22nd March 2024: Children finish at 1pm for end of term (2 weeks)

Summer Term

Monday 8th April 2024: All children return to school at 8.30am
Monday 6th May 2024: Bank Holiday (school is closed)
Friday 24th May 2024: Children finish at 3pm for half term (1 week)

HALF TERM: Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Monday 3rd June 2024: All children return to school at 8.30am
Friday 19th July 2024: Children finish at 1pm for end of term (6 weeks)
Monday 22nd July: PD Day (children do not attend school)

Uniform Expectations for September 2023

Uniform Expectations 2023 – Click here

School Expectations for September 2023


The school uniform colour is as follows:

burgundy with blue.

Plain burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without school logo)
Blue polo t-shirts (with or without school logo)
Black or grey trousers/leggings
Black or grey skirt
Black shoes / plain black trainers /appropriate smart black boots (no heels)

Last year, we allowed trainers to be worn throughout the school day as they lasted longer than shoes, could be used for PE and playtime and were therefore a money saver to families. However, we will be strict on ensuring that they are plain black with no colour on. We will be focusing on presentation in Autumn 1 to ensure all children and families are following our expectations.

In the summer, blue school summer dresses and black / grey tailored shorts are permitted


On occasion, we will have a non-school uniform day at school, usually as a fundraising activity. We would expect children to come to school dressed appropriately wearing smart clothes e.g. no crop tops, hot pants, flipflops, sliders.

PE Kits

All classes will now have 2 sessions of PE per week. PE kits should be in school all week so that they are not forgotten.

For PE activities, the children are required to wear:

Plain burgundy t-shirt (with or without logo)
Plain black shorts.

Children will need trainers when required for outdoor PE but must bring these to get changed into.

During the colder months, children can wear:

Black leggings, black jogging bottoms
Plain grey hooded jumper (with or without logo).


If earrings are worn, these must be small, plain, flat studs and restricted to one only in each ear lobe. Hooped earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons. Children will be asked to remove these if they are not appropriate. Earrings must be removed / taped over during PE and the children must provide their own tape / plasters.

Children are permitted to wear a wristwatch (not smart technology) but the school takes no responsibility if the item is lost or broken. Bracelets and necklaces are not permitted.
If, for religious reasons, jewellery must be worn, this should initially be discussed and agreed with the Headteacher.


Make up is not permitted in school unless stated by a medical practitioner for cosmetic purposes. If children arrive wearing makeup they will be asked to remove it.

False nails are prohibited.


All children with long hair, must ensure that it is always tied back and particularly for PE. The school strongly discourages children coming into school with ‘extremes’ of hair styles/hair colours – whilst we fully appreciate children want to follow fashion trends, this is not appropriate for school.

Children can wear small bows in their hair, however bows larger than 5cms are not permitted

Lost property

Naming all items of clothing reduces the risk of items becoming lost! Please name items of clothing with first name and surname. We do keep lost property for a reasonable time but is often difficult to identify items that are not labelled. If your child has lost something then please check in their classroom first.

At the end of each week, any uniform that is not claimed is put out the front of school.


For our outdoor sessions the children will need suitable clothes and footwear.

They will need ready for September:

A pair of wellies
Waterproof trousers to go over the top of their uniform
Waterproof jacket to go over the top of their uniform
Gloves/ hat as the weather gets colder

Please note these will get muddy/ wet as we will be engaging in lots of active tasks in all weathers- so they do need to be waterproof!