What a treat…

Our Nursery and Reception children have enjoyed some lovely experiences recently.

Last week, we were lucky enough to watch M & M productions perform Snow White:

We also learnt about rhythm, timbre and pitch from our Key Strings friends:

Today we have had the opportunity to watch a storyteller, Rob, from SeaLegs Puppet Theatre, tell us about Edward Leer’s dream. His wonderful puppets and story-telling techniques had us all inspired!


Visit from the Dental Nurse

We have had a wonderful visit from Zoe the dental nurse, and her friend ‘Derek’. She reminded us that we need our teeth to smile, chew and talk, and that we need to look after our teeth. The children had some super ideas and know they need to brush twice a day, for two minutes. We were also told to ‘spit it out’ and NOT rinse our teeth with water. Can the children remember which foods are good for our teeth?

Children in Need – Friday 19th November

Children In Need – Friday 19th November

We are asking that our whole school supports Children In Need on Friday 19th November. On this day, children are asked to come to school in their Pudsey outfits, something spotty or striped, or simply in their own clothes if they would prefer.

We will be asking all children to donate £1 to this very worthy cause.

Letter for Nursery parents: Reopening School

Please find a very important letter attached outlining our plans for the reopening of our Nursery classes from Tuesday 2nd June 2020.

Nursery letter

You will be contacted individually this week via email / phonecall to inform you of your allocated week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Well done parents!

Good Morning!

Week one nearly done 🙂

We just wanted to say ‘Well done’ to our parents who have been doing lovely activities with their children this week, and keeping in contact via the Seesaw account. You’re doing a FANTASTIC job!

If you’re having trouble connecting up, please drop us an email (It’s at the top of the home learning challenge sheet) and we’ll do our best to help you.

In Mrs Casswell’s class, story time today will be read by Mrs Hellowell (It will be posted later on Seesaw).

Take care everyone and enjoy the sunshine,

Mrs Casswell, Mrs Geran & Miss Dornan.


Good Morning!

A huge ‘Thank you’ to our parents who have connected up to Seesaw. The photos, videos and messages are keeping us all sane, as we are missing all of the children so much.

It’s fantastic to see the children drawing, making models, exercising, cooking, growing things, having a go at telling the time, reading, writing/drawing shopping lists, tying their shoelaces, making pretend shops, playing and learning with real money, doing scavenger hunts, bird watching… the list is endless, but the most important part is, your children are having fun with you. They are learning, being independent and developing resilience.

For those parents who haven’t connected to Seesaw, please do. (The QR code and access details were in your home learning packs – the first page in the wallet.) This is a safe online platform where we are sharing ideas for work/activities.

Thank you again and stay safe everyone,

Mrs Casswell, Mrs Geran & Miss Dornan.