Mrs Casswell’s Home Reading Stars

Well done to all my reading stars this term – they have been treated to a special hot chocolate or an amazing ice cream 🍦

Please keep sending in a quick message, photo or video on Seesaw to show when your child reads at home. 😊

Christmas Dinner Day

Our Christmas Dinner day is on Thursday 9th December 2021.

This year, we are offering a free Christmas Dinner to all children.

Jacket potatoes are not available on this day so if your child does not want a Christmas Dinner then a home packed lunch will need to be provided.

Our visit to Sutton Hill Church

Today we saw Reverend Dawn perform a baptism as part of our project on babies. We listened respectfully to what Christians, like Reverend Dawn, believe. The children asked some thought provoking questions like “How old might God be?” And “What is the church made of?” Reverend Dawn told us the church is made of a community of people in Sutton Hill.

Children in Need – Friday 19th November

Children In Need – Friday 19th November

We are asking that our whole school supports Children In Need on Friday 19th November. On this day, children are asked to come to school in their Pudsey outfits, something spotty or striped, or simply in their own clothes if they would prefer.

We will be asking all children to donate £1 to this very worthy cause.

Pudsey fun in Reception…

‘We bring money because children need some toys like me’.

‘It’s because all the children don’t have stuff so we get money’.

‘We raise money to help people and to keep children warm’