Snack time in nursery is an opportunity for lots of amazing learning!
It is a nurturing and social daily event in which children develop their self-regulation and executive function skills by sharing out the china plates and cups and working together to ensure everyone’s needs and wants are met.
This week, during our learning about plants that we can eat, the children noticed seeds in the watermelon! This is crucial scientific knowledge, needed to understand the structure of plants later in year 1. The children used their knowledge of subitising to recognise groups of seeds. They explored different representations of quantities by lining up the seeds. Adults were able to develop children’s reasoning skills through word problems and the use of stem sentences.
“I can see you have eaten a seed because there is two left and one and two make three altogether.”
“I have given her two seeds, how can I make two into three?”
The children also enjoyed poppy seed biscuits that they had made during their play.