Safer Internet Day 2025

We marked Safer Internet Day today with a variety of activities. The theme this year is: ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘. We gathered in the hall for an assembly led by our Digital Leaders. They ‘scammed’ children into thinking they were winning some tempting prizes, but actually there were some bad consequences! The message was that if things are too good to be true…they often are!

Later on, EYFS used songs and small world play to tell the stories about being safe. KS1 took part in a variety of different activities and KS2 took part in the BBC Live Lesson where we had to identify the signs of a scam.

We even got a shout out on the BBC news feed!

European Languages day

On Thursday 26th September, Sir Alexander Fleming celebrated the range of diversity throughout Europe by spending an afternoon learning about different countries in Europe. Each year group was assigned a different country and they did lots of research about the country and the culture which linked with the curriculum. Some year groups learnt about the location of the country, others tried the native food, one year group had a zoom call with a native Swedish speaker and others did art work based a famous artist from that country. All year groups learnt basic greetings in their chosen language. We then had a whole school assembly where each year group shared with the school what they have learnt.

It was a great day!

Jolly Phonics Assembly: Working with our Parents to give our Children the Best Start!

Today our parents were invited to an important assembly all about Jolly Phonics.

The children in Reception and Year 1 helped their parents to understand how Jolly Phonics is taught by saying the letter sounds and doing the actions. They sang the Jolly Phonics alphabet and grapheme phoneme correspondence songs.

Parents were then told about our scheme and strategies so that they can support their children to read at home. They can also look forward to watching weekly phonics videos made by our teachers, showing which GPCs the children have learnt.

Behaviour Policy and Curriculum

Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery

Behaviour Policy and Curriculum

‘Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.’
Mahatma Gandhi

What do our children think about our Behaviour Systems?

“Opportunities can never be reached unless you are well-behaved”

“Our rocket system works well as it shows the children that they have consequences”

“The teachers are fair and follow through with the consequences”

“It is a good system because there are lots of people to talk to who support you, like the SLT, Rainbow Room, Mrs Fisher, behaviour mentors”

“You can go to the calm room if you feel stressed or worried”

Everyone has a right to feel safe at school. The staff at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery are committed to ensuring that every child is protected from harm. Everyone is of equal value and will be valued equally regardless of whether they have a disability, whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin, or national status, whatever their gender and gender identity and whatever their sexual identity.

It is everyone’s responsibility to help make our school a happy place where everyone can be successful. We expect that the respectful behaviour of children will enable teachers to teach, and each other to learn. Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour and our expectation is for good behaviour offline and online. Good behaviour is something to be proud of and so is rewarded and celebrated. The education of many children will be protected from disruption by a minority who are demonstrating unacceptable behaviour; this will be met with consequences. Parents will be informed about the expectations of the school and about the consequences if the child behaves inappropriately in school, in the community and online.

Please find attached a copy of our school behaviour policy and behaviour curriculum for 2024.

Behaviour Policy September 2024

Behaviour Curriculum

If you have any questions regarding our behaviour policy or curriculum please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher or any member of staff.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tomlinson

Year 1 Printing

Mr Farlow has worked with our Year One children to produce amazing prints in the style of Alma Woodsey Thomas.

Miss Hullin has had them framed for the children’s end of year gift as they are so special!

A fun ‘Art Day’ in Reception/Year 1!

We have been learning about an African lady called Wangari, whose determination to see a greener future was inspirational. We successfully used charcoal to create her portrait, using contrasting tints and shades.

Our beautiful bees were created with watercolours and pen and our printed cats were inspired by the work of Sonia Delaunay.