A Masterclass in Crumbles!

In Term 6, Year 5 will be using Crumbles in their Computing lessons, eventually leading towards building and coding a flood defence system to link with our Geography topic. Mr Gerrie, from Amazing ICT, got us ready by giving us an introduction to the kits. We learned how to use the crocodile clips to link the battery pack, Crumble and Sparkle, and then created a code to create a sequence of flashing lights. The children were brilliant and debugging their codes and showing resilience and we are excited to use the kits properly later in the year!

Sonnets in Year 5

Year 5 have been tackling Sonnets in their English lessons recently. We analysed a range of Shakespeare’s sonnets and found out about their syllable and stanza structure. We then explored the reasons we love our planet and then wrote a sonnet with all our ideas in! The children worked extremely hard and should be proud of their final outcome!

Library Visit

Mr Andrew’s class visited Madeley Community Library this morning. The children were very excited to visit as 13 of the class had never visited a library before. All the class were given the opportunity to sign up for a library card and 15 children were given their card today which enables them to take up to 16 books out at a time!

The class had a tour of the library, looked at all the different sections, listened to some poetry and then explored the books. Those who were given a library card were able to use the scan machines to take a book home too! We will definitely be going back next term!

Lego Robotics Workshop

Our Year 5 children and a selection of children from across Year 3 and 4 had the opportunity to take part in a Lego Robotics workshop today in school to enrich our Computing offer. The children had to create a ‘Monkey Drummer’ from Lego pieces and then code it to drum! They explored engineering concepts such as cams and were shown how it links to real-life engineering jobs! The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Thank you to Nick from JuniorSTEM (Home | JuniorSTEM | Lego Robotics Workshops KS1 KS2) for running the sessions in school today.

Year 5 Make Stuffed Toys!

Mr Andrew’s class have worked extremely hard recently on designing and making a stuffed toy in their DT lessons. Mrs Harvey has taught the children the skills necessary to produce a toy, such as how to blanket stich and add appendages to their main body. The children should be extremely proud of their work and will be brining them home before the Easter holidays!

Ramadan 2024

When is Ramadan 2024?

This Monday the 4th of March we welcomed Asma from Telford Central Mosque to talk to the children about Ramadan. Asma told us about how Muslims all over the world would be paying special attention to their faith during this holy month. Many children knew lots about Ramadan from their learning in school, their community or their own faith. Some children l that many Muslims would be dedicating time to reading Surahs (chapters) of the Quran, fasting, giving to charity or helping others, spending time with family and friends and attending Mosque for an extra prayer during Ramadan.
The children asked thoughtful questions and observed our school and British values conscientiously. Asma praised the children and our learning environment, commenting on the warm feeling and interest of the children, even down to our youngest Reception students.
We thank her and Telford Central Mosque for enriching our learning!

Poetry day with Pep the Poet

We had a fantastic visit from Pep the poet. He treated us to some funny, inspiring and silly poems. Our favourite part was when Pep read his poems in different accents and encouraged us to fill in the rhyming words. We laughed and wanted to write our own poems, just like Pep!