SAF Bounceathon for Sport Relief

As you all know, we love a challenge at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School, so we will be raising money for Sport Relief over the week 9th-13th March.

One of our challenges will be a 24 hour Bounceathon!

The bouncing will commence on Thursday 12th March at 4.30pm and finish on Friday 13th March at 4.30pm.

Please donate generously as it’s for an amazing cause.

Pancake day .

Today, Mrs Broadhurst did a ‘flipping’ good job making some amazingly tasty pancakes for us to devour.

A massive ‘Thank you’

Year 4/5 University trip

This Thursday is our first trip to University. We are sending letters out tonight, please return these by Wednesday at the latest so we are able to order to correct number of school lunches to take with us.

Wolverhapton University letter

Year 4/5 STEM

This week, year 4/5 have had their STEM day. Children all made an orrery to show the moon orbiting the earth whilst also orbiting the sun. They then designed their own pulleys and planets on TinkerCAD which will allow them to use the 3D printer to print off their creations.

Year 6 Play Rehearsals

A huge thank you to the Year 6 children, who are working very hard on their production of Primary School Christmas Musical, for their fantastic efforts so far! As their homework, the children are being asked to learn their lines, the lyrics to the songs and any choreography/acting parts that they have been given.

We have talked to the children about costumes and props and would ask that any costumes needed, that are not already in school, are in school by tomorrow (13th December).

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the final performance (Wednesday 18th)!

Children In Need

Children In Need is on Friday 15th November.

As a school, we are hosting ‘What’s for dinner?’. Teaching staff will be preparing home cooked meals ranging from curry, chilli, hotdogs, chips, stew, jacket potatoes, vegetables with cakes and treats for pudding! This will be served between 3pm and 6pm in the school hall. Children under 16 cost £2 and adults cost £3. If you wish to book a table, then please see Mrs Pilgrim in the office and make your payment in advance!


Lost Property

There is a vast amount of lost property accumulating in the box, ranging from coats, trousers, jumpers, cardigans and even glasses! We will put the box on the playground every morning and at the end of the school day. If you think that your child may have lost something please come along and have a look.

After a certain period of time, we will dispose of the lost property as it is currently over flowing!

School News

Welcome back to the start of Autumn 2. The children were welcomed back with a surprise pantomime of Peter Pan from M&M Productions. The children thoroughly enjoyed singing along, joining in, cheering and having a fantastic time! They were very excited about the dance off between Mr Graham and Miss Pound…

Year 6 spellings

Year 6 spellings goes here

Year 5 spellings

Year 5 spellings goes here

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
Safeguarding Logo
Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
Shropshire Cricket Primary School of Year 2023
Skills Builder
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