Art in Year 5

The teaching of art and design at our school instils an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts. Year 5 children have certainly enjoyed their curriculum this term – exploring a range of mediums to help them communicate what they see through the elements of colour, texture, tone and pattern. Here are some examples…


Pudsey fun in Reception…

‘We bring money because children need some toys like me’.

‘It’s because all the children don’t have stuff so we get money’.

‘We raise money to help people and to keep children warm’

Remembrance in Reception

‘We wear poppies because of the soldiers, some of them died, but some didn’t.’

‘We’re thinking about the soldiers who were in the war and died. There are poppy wreaths. A man wrote a poem about the poppy fields and he saw some bright red poppies in a field when they’d finished fighting.’

‘It was scary for the animals in the war’.

Home learning challenges for Reception

Good evening,

We hope you’ve all had a restful weekend, enjoying the sunshine!

Please find attached our final week of home learning activities for this term – what a strange one it’s been!!! As always, please contact us on Seesaw if you have any queries or want to share the wonderful work you’ve been doing.

Take care and keep safe,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

06.07.20 weekly plan

Reception home learning tasks

Good evening all,

We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. Please find attached this weeks learning tasks.

29.6.20 weekly plan

As always, enjoy, and remember to upload your work or other exciting activities you’ve been doing on Seesaw.

Have a good week,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

Weekly tasks for Reception

Good Evening,

We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend, even with the varied weather.

Click the link below to find the activities set for phonics and maths. Please keep on sending us photos of the exciting things you’ve been doing too – we love seeing them!

15.6.20 weekly plan

Copies can be collected from the usual box labelled ‘Reception’ – in the entrance area at school, after 10am tomorrow.

Have a good week,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran 🙂

Celebrations in Reception

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all of our children and parents who are working so hard at home to complete the challenges we set or coming up with some super learning ideas/activities to keep everyone entertained and motivated at home. You’re doing a great job!

I have sent a ‘Golden Box’ prize out in the post today to somebody who does all the work set, and more!

KC prize for completing all work

Keep going everyone (I know how hard it is with a 13 and 15 year old myself, so I can sympathise!!!)

Thanks again and stay safe,

Mrs Casswell 🙂

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