Dental Nurse visit in Reception

Today we have had a visit from Zoe, the dental nurse, to remind us of good toothbrushing habits.

  • Brush twice daily
  • Use a pea sized amount of toothpaste
  • Brush for 2 minutes
  • Visit the dentist every 6 months
  • Spit – don’t rinse
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks

The children loved practising cleaning the dragons teeth!

Look at our sunflowers 🌻

During the Spring and Summer term, we learnt firsthand that:

Many plants grow out of seeds.

Seeds grow into seedlings with roots and shoots.

Roots and shoots then grow leaves above ground.

Many plants make flowers, which turn into fruits.

Flowers and fruits make their own seeds.

Look at our fabulous sunflowers!

We will collect the seeds in the Autumn, ready to plant again next Spring. 🌻

Thanks to Miss Beacham for photographing these yesterday.

A fun ‘Art Day’ in Reception/Year 1!

We have been learning about an African lady called Wangari, whose determination to see a greener future was inspirational. We successfully used charcoal to create her portrait, using contrasting tints and shades.

Our beautiful bees were created with watercolours and pen and our printed cats were inspired by the work of Sonia Delaunay.

A Time For Celebrations; Ramadan and Easter

During the spring term children in nursery and reception learnt about a range of celebrations from different religions and cultures in order to develop their knowledge of People and Communities. This also supports the school value of being respectful and prepares them for their future lives.

The children learnt about the Muslim celebration of Ramadan by looking at books, artefacts and participating in crafts. They learnt that the moon is very important to some Muslims who participate in Ramadan and talked about the countdown to Eid and fasting. The children learnt vocabulary related to clothing some Muslim’s wear like a hijab. One of the children brought in a hijab from home which further enriched children’s learning and made the new vocabulary even more meaningful.

The children learnt about the Christian celebration of Lent and made pancakes at forest school. Practitioners layer children’s knowledge through a range of experiences. They read and acted out the runaway pancake, luckily ours did not run away and we managed to gobble it all up! The children were able to safely sit around the fire. The children and staff explored the Christian story of Easter through storytelling eggs and designed Easter cards. The children participated in an ‘Easter Tea Party’ which was decorated with salt dough crosses they had made a Christian symbol of the cross.

Practitioners were able to draw out connections between the two religions with children.



Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak!

We have had an Eid celebration in our classroom. We really enjoyed hearing from our children of Muslim families. We have had Eid biscuits brought in and we enjoyed some sweet treats and discussed the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

Reception/Year 1 classes enjoyed a Eid forest school experience where we discussed the importance of the moon and stars in Islam.


Year 6 ~France 2024

Our Year 6 set off in the early hours of Monday morning to catch a ferry from Dover to Calais. After 16 hours of travelling they eventually arrived at Chateau Beaumont. They had a fantastic time and spent their days exploring le Mont St Michel, the zoo, markets, supermarkets as well as spending time climbing, archery, fencing and team building. French night meant that they could experience a French delicacy of snails and frogs legs!!

The experience was amazing and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Everyone arrived home by midnight on Friday and I imagine spent a lot of the weekend sleeping.

Well done and thankyou to the wonderful adults: Mrs Pigg, Mr Johnson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Wust that gave up their time to go and the parents for allowing your children this experience.