Our Spring themed Art Day

We all had a wonderful ‘arty’ day on Tuesday. The children were able to practise lots of skills, such as printing, watercolour painting, 3D clay or mod roc models, collage, oil pastel drawings and sketching.

Here are some of the super examples from Reception, Year 1 and Year 5:

Y5 sketchbook mood boards

Y5 collage

Y5 collage eggs

Y1 clay

Y1 printing and oil pastel drawings


Parent Survey – Have your say!

Hello everyone,

As a school, we are always looking at how we can improve and offer the best education and experiences for our children as well as the support we offer parents . We would appreciate it very much if you would take the time to complete the Parent Survey through the link here.

We are looking for honest opinions and for you as parents to tell us what you like, what you think it is amazing and what needs a bit of work.

Any parent that completes the form will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Aldi voucher, you just need to inform the Admin team that you have completed it.

The link for the survey is here, you just need to click on it:


Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Christmas Dinner Day

Our Christmas Dinner day is on Thursday 9th December 2021.

This year, we are offering a free Christmas Dinner to all children.

Jacket potatoes are not available on this day so if your child does not want a Christmas Dinner then a home packed lunch will need to be provided.

Children in Need – Friday 19th November

Children In Need – Friday 19th November

We are asking that our whole school supports Children In Need on Friday 19th November. On this day, children are asked to come to school in their Pudsey outfits, something spotty or striped, or simply in their own clothes if they would prefer.

We will be asking all children to donate £1 to this very worthy cause.

Our Year 1 Christmas

Friday (tomorrow)

There will be NO Forest School tomorrow…

we are having an ART day along with the rest of the school.



Your children will be going to the hall for dinner (in a socially distanced way) with their own bubble.

Party clothes can be worn all day!!

NO party food to be brought in please.



Christmas parties in the afternoon.

Please wear party clothes again if you would like to.


Thursday early finish for the Christmas break.

Merry Christmas!



No Pens Day!

In year 1 we have focussed on using our fine motor skills in other ways today.

We explored design and technology and used skills such as joining, making mechanisms and using cookery tools.

We were inspired by David Attenborough’s tweet of the day about robins and we used our listening skills to gain knowledge about this animal type. We researched birds on the RSPB website by reading facts and discussed and described their habitat, diet and features. We found out that robins are omnivores!

We used this knowledge to create a rocking robin, a robin on a lever and cheese straw worms!

And guess what our theme was for our Christmas tree decorations . . . . fingerprint robins!


Pudsey fun!

We enjoyed lots of Pudsey activities in forest school today.

We made spotty hot chocolate!

We worked as ‘team ant’ to help our blindfolded friend get from Pudsey to Blush! We had to trust one another and show kindness to our partners.

We made clay Pudsey faces on trees using natural collage materials.

Thank you to all of our parents for donating to Children In Need.

Home Learning – More Maths

In addition to the online learning…here are some more maths resources that can be used alongside the others



We are also learning about the symbols for

…greater than  >

…less than   <

…equal to  =


Here are some links that make this learning fun…

