Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Good evening all,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Please find attached this weeks learning tasks which are all based around the seaside.

Week 10

We have also added a quiz which we hope you will enjoy. Please send your answers to us and we will let you know how you have got on.

Week 10 logo quiz

As always, enjoy, and remember to upload your work on Seesaw so we can see what you have been up to.

Mrs O’Reilly and Miss Pound

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Hello all,

We hope you’re all keeping well.

This week we would like to celebrate World Rainforest Day (22.6.20).

Week 9

The activities are only an introduction to Rainforests, but please feel free to continue celebrating this important issue, building knowledge and raising awareness.

Mrs O’Reilly Miss Pound



Hello all, we hope that you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the ever changing weather…from sun hats to rain-macs and everything in between!

Please find attached this weeks home learning tasks.

Week 8

Any questions please get in touch via Seesaw or email and remember to keep sending in your children’s wonderful work.

Year 2 – Home Learning

Good morning all, we hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Please find attached this weeks learning tasks – enjoy.

Week 7

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the fantastic weather we’ve had!

Please find below, this weeks home learning tasks.

Week 6

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw – enjoy!

Mrs O’Reilly and Miss Pound

URGENT Information regarding the reopening of school

Saturday 23 May 2020,

Dear Parents,

We have spent another week trying to make key decisions for our school to extend the opening and preparing for this and we are all desperate to get life back to normal. We have always believed that Monday 1st June was a provisional date for returning and we were awaiting further guidance from the Government and medical experts.

As an SLT, and with support from our Chair of Governors, we have taken the decision based on the Independent SAGE report published today to NOT re-open our school to Nursery, Reception Year 1 and Year 6 on Tuesday 2nd June.

The Independent SAGE ‘interim findings and concerns’ document released today states on page 2, “decisions on school opening should be guided by evidence of low levels of COVID-19 infections in the community and the ability to rapidly respond to new infections through a local test, track and isolate strategy. There is no clear evidence that these conditions are met. Until they are it is not safe to open schools on June 1.”

On page 3, the Independent SAGE document states, “Delaying a school re-opening by two weeks (to June 15th) approximately halves the risk to children, and delaying the re-opening to September is less risky still.”

A delay to Monday 15th June will significantly diminish the risk to our children, our staff and families. As these are the most important things in our lives, I am sure you will fully agree with this decision. This gives us further time to ensure our risk assessments and buildings are ready, so we can ensure the safety of all our children and staff when we do return.

We will continue to review the situation throughout the coming weeks and make further decisions once we have a clear indication that the rate of infection in our area is declining and continuing to decline.

We will continue to support Home Learning after half term and to provide the provision for key worker children and our vulnerable children so rotas will be in place for staff to support this. If you wish to book a Key Worker place then please find the booking form on the school website and email it to

Thank you for your continued support as we try to make the right decisions for our community, which are all centred around keeping our children, staff and families safe.

My best wishes to you and your families,

Mrs Tomlinson                                          Simon Taylor

Headteacher                                             Chair of Governors

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Good evening,

We hope you had a great time celebrating VE Day – the photos that you have shared on Seesaw are fantastic. If you have anymore, please send them over!

This week our theme is ‘Under the Sea’. Below we have attached some activities linked to the theme.

Home learning

As always, if you have any questions please contact us on Seesaw and please continue to upload your child’s work on this platform – it is great to see how they’re getting on!

Take care

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly


How to find your child’s home learning activities

In these unprecedented times, the education of your children, alongside their safety and welfare, is extremely important to all of us and although we are unable to be together, we can still share learning activities with you. Our teachers love to teach and they are missing their classes immensely. They love that you communicate through seesaw with them and hopefully one day soon, when it is safe, a plan can go into place so that we can see you all again.

All year groups continue to upload activities linked to your child’s curriculum on the school website in their year group page each week.

I have attached a document to explain how to access these learning activities.

How to find your child’s learning

Our teaching team and inclusion team will continue to make calls to check that you are all okay. If you need any help or support with anything please contact us.

We hope you find it useful.

Mrs Tomlinson

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks 4.5.20

Good morning all, we hope you’re all keeping well.

Please find this weeks tasks below:

Home learning 4.5.20


We hope you enjoy the tasks and look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.