Computer Coding with Mr G!

Hello everyone, Mr G here.

Join me in creating our very own ‘Chatbot’ Scratch project aimed at pupils in Key Stage Two.

All you will need is a computer/laptop or iPad/tablet and access to the internet.

We are going to create the following project:
Use this site to help you design your very own talking bot!

You will build your scratch project in scratch here:

Then, along with the help of an adult, join me live where you can ask me any questions about the project, or Scratch in general!

Just click on the link for the 10-11am slot on both Thursday and Friday. Access the link here:

For more information, watch the helpful video here:




Letter to all Year 6 parents

Please find a very important letter attached outlining our plans for the reopening of our Year 6 classes from Tuesday 2nd June 2020.

Year 6 letter to parents

You will be contacted individually this week via email / phonecall to inform you of your allocated week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Fun SATs Week Year 6

Good morning all,

We hope you are well and had a wonderful bank holiday weekend, whilst staying safe at home!

On the week of what would have been the start of SATs for all you fabulous Year 6’s, we thought it might be fun for you to still sit the tests, albeit a funny version of them! So, have fun and let us know how you get on!

The order for you to complete the fun in:

Monday – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script NW

Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script CK

Silly-SATs—spelling NW

Silly-SATs—spelling CK

Tuesday – Reading


Wednesday – Mathematics Reasoning


Thursday – Arithmetic


Yay – your done!

On Friday, we should have been going to the theatre but as you all know this is no longer able to happen, so we would like you to have a film day – you can watch any film that you like but just let us know what you pick.

Remember, we haven’t forgotten how hard you worked and SATs were never a true measure of this and your journey through school anyway – each of you is unique and special. We know you are talented in a multitude of ways. You have amazed  us with how resilient you have been over the last few weeks. Thank you!

From all your very proud teachers,

Miss Walters, Miss Killick,

Miss Brown, Mrs Hall,

Mrs Meadows and Mrs Sermon


How to find your child’s home learning activities

In these unprecedented times, the education of your children, alongside their safety and welfare, is extremely important to all of us and although we are unable to be together, we can still share learning activities with you. Our teachers love to teach and they are missing their classes immensely. They love that you communicate through seesaw with them and hopefully one day soon, when it is safe, a plan can go into place so that we can see you all again.

All year groups continue to upload activities linked to your child’s curriculum on the school website in their year group page each week.

I have attached a document to explain how to access these learning activities.

How to find your child’s learning

Our teaching team and inclusion team will continue to make calls to check that you are all okay. If you need any help or support with anything please contact us.

We hope you find it useful.

Mrs Tomlinson

Year 6 Home Learning Activities wb. 04.05.20

Hello! We hope you are all keeping well and happy – we are missing you all lots and feeling very grateful for your messages on Seesaw or for being able to speak to you on the phone!

We know you will be keeping busy doing lots of things to help at home: baking, spending time in the garden, reading stories, going out for walks, playing with your siblings, completing your CGP books etc. but we also know that it is our job to provide you with activities too, so click the link below to have a look at this week’s set!

As always, please, please, let us know if you need help with anything. It is always lovely to see your photos and messages of what you are getting up to!

Keep safe,

Miss Killick and Miss Walters

Year 6 wb 04.05.20 Home Learning Tasks