Year 2 Home Learning Activities Week Commencing 20.4.20

Welcome back – we hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter break.

Please find this weeks home learning activities below:

Home learning tasks1

Remember to download Seesaw and use this platform  to ask any questions and to upload work.

We look forward to hearing from you soon

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

New Activities

Welcome back Year 6! We hope you had a lovely, albeit unique, Easter break. Please find attached a new set of activities that you should begin working through; plus, links to useful websites and learning resources. There’s plenty to get stuck into, so we will post more when lots of you have completed these!

Year 6 wb 20.04.20 Home Learning Tasks

BBC Home Learning Resources


Stay safe and well,

Miss W and Miss K

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Go on a 2D/3D shape hunt around your house/garden. Draw the shapes that you find, write their names and label their properties (corners/sides/vertices/edges/faces). Shape poster

Create a tally chart of the shapes that you’ve found, then use this data to create a pictogram or bar chart. Tally Chart PictogramCan you think of some questions to ask us about your bar chart? i.e. Which shape was the most common?  How many more triangles were there than circles? etc.

Retell your favourite story using shadow puppets. Draw the main characters then cut them out. Use your characters to retell the story. Remember to use a clear voice. If possible please record your story and upload it on Seesaw. shadow puppets

Frog Life Cycle. Research a frogs life cycle and create your own using things from your home/garden. Look at this butterfly lifecycle to help you Life Cycle

Year 2 Common Exception Word Search – take a screen shot of this word search then use the editing tool to highlight the answers. Screen shot your finished word search and send it to us via Seesaw. Can you write a sentence using each of the words that you’ve found. CEW Word search 1

Finally, get your brains in gear to complete our favourite part of the school day…Mental Arithmetic. Mental Arithmetic 3.4.20

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Mrs O’Reilly

Miss Pound

Year 2 – Seesaw

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has signed up to Seesaw.

This platform has enabled us to see the amazing work your children have been doing and it is also providing us with a way to personalise the support we are giving.

If you haven’t already done so, please download the app and send us your email address so we can sign you up.

Year 2 Tasks

Good afternoon all,

We just wanted to thank you for all of the wonderful, incredibly creative stories that we have been receiving – it is great to see that you are engaging with the tasks in an imaginative way.

Here are some more tasks for you to complete. Please continue to send in everything that you are doing via Seesaw and email.


Where’s Wally: We have written an expanded noun phrase to help you find the first person. Can you find him then write your own so we can identify who you are describing. Where’s Wally

Dragon Inference: Can you use your inference skills to answer these questions? Dragon Inference

Other tasks: Here are a variety of tasks that cover many curriculum areas, please be creative, let your imagination run free Other Tasks

Remember, if you haven’t yet joined Seesaw please do so as it is a great platform to ask for individual support and to share your child’s work.

Year 4/5 maths

Every day, White Rose has a ‘maths party’ showing children how to master a new skill and providing work to go with it (answers are also given). This is the scheme that we follow in school and it covers each National Curriculum objective.

Global Learning Year 6

Number 1 Poverty

Whilst we are off school, Miss Killick and I have decided to keep your learning relevant by creating learning activities linked to Global Issues – there are 17 in total. We will post one a week for you to have a go at. Please open the document and try the three activities; you can do them with your whole family. Thanks, Miss W and Miss K

Year 3 Activities

Well done everyone for the work you have been doing so far! You are doing amazing and we would love to see more of the things you are doing via seesaw. If you need any help with this then please email us (see below).

Some activities to do this week:

Hope you are all well. Please contact us if you need any further support or guidance.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Miss Kibblewhite and Mrs Vickers

Roll a story

Create your own amazing story

Click the link to see the categories Roll a story

Roll the dice once for each category: character, setting, and time.

Remember to structure your story: beginning, build-up, dilemma, resolution and ending.

Be as imaginative as you can.

Please upload your stories on Seesaw. We can’t wait to read them.


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