Tuesday’s challenges for Reception

Good Morning,

We hope you’re all well.

For Phonics/English today, we’ve attached the DfE lesson, where the learning focus is ‘oa’. Our story this week is a traditional one – ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

Tuesday 19th May English

The maths includes some more fun activities related to ‘money’.

Tuesday counting with pennies

We know some of our families prefer having a sheet to work from, so we’ve also attached a proforma. As we’ve said before, please don’t feel you’ve got to print these off as doing it practically is just as valuable 🙂

Tuesday activity

Have a good day,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

Letter for Reception parents: Reopening school

Please find a very important letter attached outlining our plans for the reopening of our Reception classes from Tuesday 2nd June 2020.

Reception letter to parents

You will be contacted individually this week via email / phonecall to inform you of your allocated week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

Challenges for Monday – Reception

Hello everyone!

We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

This week is ‘Mental Health Awareness week’ and the theme this year is ‘Kindness’. With that in mind click the link for some lovely ideas to try.

Mental health week

Your English challenge involves lots of exercise 🙂

Monday 18th Fitness Fun and name writing

And finally, money is the learning focus for Maths…

Monday recognising coins.docx

Have fun and keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran



Wednesday’s learning activities

Thank you to everyone who sent in their lovely stories yesterday. We love watching them so keep them coming in!
We have a fun phonics game for you to play.
Weds 13th May Phonics game

Today is also about ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ a great story to support our learning of time. Read the story below attached to our activity page and try these fun activities.

Wednesday the very hungry caterpillar ideas

Wednesday the very hungry caterpiller

Wednesday days of the week word search

Have a great day and stay safe.
Mrs Geran & Mrs Casswell

Tuesday’s learning activities

Good morning everyone.
I bet you all had fun yesterday, brushing your teeth with Mr Tumble. We did!
Today is all about learning the days of the week. Try our links and activities attached below then send in your photos. We can’t wait to see how great you are at ordering the days of the week.
Tuesday days of the week
Tuesday days of the week cutting out activity
Days of the week

Have fun retelling your favourite stories or why not retell your own.We love making up stories in reception.
Tuesday 12th May story telling

Have a super day and stay safe everyone
Mrs Geran & Mrs Casswell

Monday’s activities

Morning everyone.
We hope you all had a super VE day last Friday. Thank you for all the lovely photos we were sent via seesaw.
We will focusing on time this week and some lovely phonic activities.

Play our phonics game. Can you read all the words?
Mon 11th May Phonics game

I can’t wait to learn about time. Mr Tumble’s toothbrush song is brilliant. Can you brush your teeth for two minutes?
Monday exploring time

Look out everyday for our ideas and activities to keep your little ones busy.
Wishing you a lovely day
Stay safe
Mrs Geran and Mrs Casswell