Year 2 Home Learning Tasks 6.7.20

Good evening all, we hope you are all keeping well.

This week our theme is space. We hope you enjoy the tasks.

Week 11

If you need any help please contact us via Seesaw or Email.

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Good evening all,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Please find attached this weeks learning tasks which are all based around the seaside.

Week 10

We have also added a quiz which we hope you will enjoy. Please send your answers to us and we will let you know how you have got on.

Week 10 logo quiz

As always, enjoy, and remember to upload your work on Seesaw so we can see what you have been up to.

Mrs O’Reilly and Miss Pound

Year 6 Home Learning Activities WC 29th June 2020

Good evening everyone,

It is lovely to be back in school and see so many of you and share your ‘lock-down’ experiences. We hope to welcome more of you back over the coming weeks, until summer. if you haven’t already contact the office to book your place. All the Year 6 staff are enjoying seeing you and spending time with you.

In the meantime, it is great that so many of you are engaging with the home learning. Please find attached this weeks work. As always, feel free to ask us questions and simply share you work with us.

Miss Walters and Miss Killick

Home Learning Week Commencing 29th June 2020

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Hello all,

We hope you’re all keeping well.

This week we would like to celebrate World Rainforest Day (22.6.20).

Week 9

The activities are only an introduction to Rainforests, but please feel free to continue celebrating this important issue, building knowledge and raising awareness.

Mrs O’Reilly Miss Pound


Year 4/5 home learning wb. 22.06.20

Here are your home learning activities for the week beginning 22nd June. We hope you enjoy and please keep us updated with your progress- we love seeing what you are up to. Any questions then please ask, we are happy to help.

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones


Year 6 Home Learning WC 22nd June 2020

Please find attached the Year 6 home learning for week commencing 22nd June 2020. If you need any help, have any questions or want to talk about any of it, please get in touch via our emails or Seesaw.

We really love seeing your work and chatting to you so, as always, please post it.

From, Miss Walters and Miss Killick

Home Learning Week Commencing 22nd June 2020

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