Look at our amazing work from this week.

During the week the children have been producing some amazing pieces of work  and taking part in some fun and interesting lessons. The weather wasn’t stopping us having lots of fun.


Year 4/5 home learning

Good morning,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Here is your home learning pack for this week (beginning 15.06.20). Have fun and remember to share your work with us through email or Seesaw.

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones



Hello all, we hope that you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the ever changing weather…from sun hats to rain-macs and everything in between!

Please find attached this weeks home learning tasks.

Week 8

Any questions please get in touch via Seesaw or email and remember to keep sending in your children’s wonderful work.

Year 6 Home Learning WC 15th June 2020

Hi everyone,

We hope you’ve had another lovely weekend and enjoyed the thunderstorm?! Attached are this weeks learning activities. As always, please share them on Seesaw, or contact us via the email addresses you were given. We love seeing what you are getting up to and how you’re find the work.

Miss Walters and MIss Killick

Home Learning Week Commencing 15th June 2020

Year 2 – Home Learning

Good morning all, we hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Please find attached this weeks learning tasks – enjoy.

Week 7

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

Year 6 Home Learning WC 8th June 2020

Hello Year 6!

We hope you had another fantastic week and weekend. This is your new set of learning for this week. We really love seeing what you are getting up to on Seesaw so please remember to post your work and keep in touch.

Hopefully see you soon,

Miss Walters and Miss Killick

Home Learning Week Commencing 8th June 2020

Year 4/5 home learning activities

We hope you are all well and that you have had an enjoyable weekend. Here are your home learning tasks for this week, beginning 8th June. Please keep us updated over Seesaw or email and ask if you have any questions.


Mr Broderick and Miss Jones



Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the fantastic weather we’ve had!

Please find below, this weeks home learning tasks.

Week 6

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw – enjoy!

Mrs O’Reilly and Miss Pound

Year 6 Home Learning WC 1st June 202

Hello Year 6!

We hope you are well and enjoyed half term?! Home learning will take on a different format for the weeks leading up to the summer holiday. Remember to post your work on Seesaw so we know how you get on.

Home Learning Week Commencing 2nd June 2020 – Copy


Miss Walters and Miss Killick

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