Year 3 – Seesaw

We have parent access to Seesaw up and running.

You can use Seesaw, to share images of your child’s work/activities during this period of school closure.  We are looking forward to seeing what your child has been doing.

Seesaw can also be used for parents and children, to ask for further information or to simply keep in touch.

If you have not yet asked for the details please e mail us on :

We miss you all!


Year 3 Activities

Well done everyone for the work you have been doing so far! You are doing amazing and we would love to see more of the things you are doing via seesaw. If you need any help with this then please email us (see below).

Some activities to do this week:

Hope you are all well. Please contact us if you need any further support or guidance.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Miss Kibblewhite and Mrs Vickers

Seesaw info and more suggested home activities.

Hello Year 3.

We hope all children and families are keeping well.

Please find some suggestions of further activities that your child can complete during school closure.


  • Create your own word search using the spellings provided on your 1st work pack.
  • Write a letter to a relative (who may be alone) and post it (during your once a day exercise).
  • Enjoy some capacity- water play in the garden. Use a measuring jug, see if you can read the scales.
  • Look in the mirror and draw a self portrait.
  • Write a daily diary during social distancing/isolating.
  • Take part in Joe Wicks’ daily PE lesson at 9am (we’ve been doing this too!)
  • Write your own song.
  • Play some board games.
  • Teach a younger sibling a new skill.

We are able to send out parent login details for Seesaw- a secure online learning platform.


Using this we can share more work, you can also communicate with us during the school closures.  If you would like to do this please e mail us with your child’s name.  We will then reply with your Seesaw login details.

Our email addresses are:


We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mrs Vickers and Miss Kibblewhite

Year 3 Home Challenges

Year 3 – Home Learning Activities

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too! (EBook link below)

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).

Task 3:  Complete a section of the Maths- Place value booklet (handout from school)

Task 4: Draw and label a map of your local area.

Task 5: Complete a reading comprehension (In handout from school)

Task 6: Write a short story that is a twist of a Traditional tale.

Task 7: Design a healthy plate of food- label it with what nutrients each item contains.

Task 8: Complete a page of your Spring-English activity book (handout from school)

Task 9:  SPAG activity mat- link below

Task 10: Complete an ‘Elsa’ isolation activity- link below


Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Brain Breaks!
Each day, when you are completing your tasks, try to get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Optional Extras!

  • Cooking! Can you make something delicious? Take a photograph or draw a picture!
  • Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?



See you soon!

Mrs Vickers and Miss Kibblewhite

Picture News – Learning from home pack

Your children will be familiar with the work they carry out in school related to current affairs and news around the world from our Picture News lessons. This learning pack is around the theme of ‘Space Tourism’ with a whole host of activities you can carry out at home.

Have fun!


Here are the files you need:
Learning from Home Ideas – 23rd March Picture News Prompt 1 Picture News Prompt 2 Planet Fact File Virgin Galactic Writing Plan


We’ve had a great couple of days at Pioneer Centre, here are some of the children’s adventures.


What a great start to year 3 & 4’s residential trip. The children have had a fantastic day at the Pioneer Centre!

Year 3 spellings

Year 3 spellings goes here

Year 3 Homework

Year 3 homework goes here

Year 3 News

Year 4 news goes here