Year 3 – Home Learning Activities
Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Ask someone at home to check that you have understood what has happened by asking you questions. You could also ask them questions about your book too! (EBook link below)
Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).
Task 3: Complete a section of the Maths- Place value booklet (handout from school)
Task 4: Draw and label a map of your local area.
Task 5: Complete a reading comprehension (In handout from school)
Task 6: Write a short story that is a twist of a Traditional tale.
Task 7: Design a healthy plate of food- label it with what nutrients each item contains.
Task 8: Complete a page of your Spring-English activity book (handout from school)
Task 9: SPAG activity mat- link below
Task 10: Complete an ‘Elsa’ isolation activity- link below
Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Brain Breaks!
Each day, when you are completing your tasks, try to get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!
Optional Extras!
- Cooking! Can you make something delicious? Take a photograph or draw a picture!
- Playing games! Can you play a board game? Or even a game of hide and seek! Who was the winner?
See you soon!
Mrs Vickers and Miss Kibblewhite