How to find your child’s home learning activities

In these unprecedented times, the education of your children, alongside their safety and welfare, is extremely important to all of us and although we are unable to be together, we can still share learning activities with you. Our teachers love to teach and they are missing their classes immensely. They love that you communicate through seesaw with them and hopefully one day soon, when it is safe, a plan can go into place so that we can see you all again.

All year groups continue to upload activities linked to your child’s curriculum on the school website in their year group page each week.

I have attached a document to explain how to access these learning activities.

How to find your child’s learning

Our teaching team and inclusion team will continue to make calls to check that you are all okay. If you need any help or support with anything please contact us.

We hope you find it useful.

Mrs Tomlinson

Year 6 Home Learning Activities wb. 04.05.20

Hello! We hope you are all keeping well and happy – we are missing you all lots and feeling very grateful for your messages on Seesaw or for being able to speak to you on the phone!

We know you will be keeping busy doing lots of things to help at home: baking, spending time in the garden, reading stories, going out for walks, playing with your siblings, completing your CGP books etc. but we also know that it is our job to provide you with activities too, so click the link below to have a look at this week’s set!

As always, please, please, let us know if you need help with anything. It is always lovely to see your photos and messages of what you are getting up to!

Keep safe,

Miss Killick and Miss Walters

Year 6 wb 04.05.20 Home Learning Tasks

New Activities

Welcome back Year 6! We hope you had a lovely, albeit unique, Easter break. Please find attached a new set of activities that you should begin working through; plus, links to useful websites and learning resources. There’s plenty to get stuck into, so we will post more when lots of you have completed these!

Year 6 wb 20.04.20 Home Learning Tasks

BBC Home Learning Resources


Stay safe and well,

Miss W and Miss K

Global Learning Year 6

Number 1 Poverty

Whilst we are off school, Miss Killick and I have decided to keep your learning relevant by creating learning activities linked to Global Issues – there are 17 in total. We will post one a week for you to have a go at. Please open the document and try the three activities; you can do them with your whole family. Thanks, Miss W and Miss K

Maths and English

Year 6,

We hope you are all ok and having a lovely time with your families, whilst doing some work, alongside the adjustment to staying home.

Please use the link below to access Year 6 Maths and English activities. The site is the scheme we follow in school; it has useful videos and daily lessons.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We look forward to sharing all your work when we get back to school and on Seesaw in the meantime. If you do not have your Seesaw login details, we can provide these; it is important for us all to stay in touch to share our work and to stay connected.

Take care, Miss W and Miss K


I hope you are all having a lovely time in your gardens, enjoying the sunshine. It would be lovely to have our Year 6 children all sharing their work on Seesaw. Please can you start uploading things if you haven’t already.

If you need your login details, please send me an email: and I will forward them to you straight away. Feel free to contact me for Timetable Rock Star details too.

Stay safe everyone,

Miss W