Year 4/5 home learning WB. 01.06.20

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful half term, we can’t wait to hear what you have been up to (on Seesaw). Hopefully, we can continue to make the most of the beautiful weather- we have given you plenty of activities to complete outside this week. Enjoy!

As usual, if you have any issues or questions then please contact us through Seesaw or email on:


Lego Group Activity

Mrs Atkins’ Lego Groups

A challenge for you! Can you create, with Lego, something you have done over lockdown and send me a photo?

Can you guess what I have been up to?

Please email your guesses and pictures to;

Looking forward to seeing your creations,

Mrs Atkins

Emotional Support Ideas from Mrs Atkins

Emotional Support

As time passes it is important that we continue to support our children’s emotional wellbeing. So here are a few resources that will help your children to reflect on the current situation and their feelings.

The anxiety thermometer is a great resource for those children who are finding these times difficult and a good way to be able open up an honest and productive discussion.

The All About Me resource can be useful in helping children to think about the positives in their present situation and to reflect on the current times, but also to start thinking about what will happen when they are out of lockdown. Although as adults we can be overwhelmed by the statistics, the politics and social media it is important to encourage children to understand the positive steps we have made and that this present situation will come to an end.

If you are unable to print these documents it could be possible to replicate them by drawing out the thermometer and asking your child to recreate the all about me designs.

Keep safe

Mrs Atkins

Al about me


Phased return to school – behaviour expectations.

As we plan for a return to school for some pupils in June, we have added an appendix to our existing behaviour policy to include any changes to procedures as a result of new government guidelines relating to COVID-19. Please familiarise yourself and your children with the updates attached (a copy of our full behaviour policy can be found in the ‘Key Info’ section of our school website).

Behaviour Policy Appendix 3 May 2020

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Hello all, we hope you have had a lovely weekend and are keeping well.

This weeks topic: Mental Health Awareness

Week 5

As always, if you need any support or have work to upload, please do this via Seesaw.

Mrs O’Reilly and Miss Pound



Year 4/5 home learning WB 18.05.20

We hope you have all had a great weekend. This week is Mental Health Awareness week so we have got some activities we would like you to focus on for your mental health this week, as well as your usual tasks.

As always, please get in touch with us with any issues and to share your work with us.


Being kind to yourself

MHA reading comp

We also have a computing challenge for you this week. Using Tinker Cad (we gave you all your details through Seesaw last week, if you haven’t had them yet then please email us) we would like you to design a rainbow as a way of thanking the NHS and all key workers. Remember to group your separate shapes and to keep rotating the workplane so that you can ensure your separate shapes fit together properly. We can’t wait to see how you do! We will keep checking to see how your are doing with this challenge.

Thank you

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones

Fun SATs Week Year 6

Good morning all,

We hope you are well and had a wonderful bank holiday weekend, whilst staying safe at home!

On the week of what would have been the start of SATs for all you fabulous Year 6’s, we thought it might be fun for you to still sit the tests, albeit a funny version of them! So, have fun and let us know how you get on!

The order for you to complete the fun in:

Monday – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script NW

Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script CK

Silly-SATs—spelling NW

Silly-SATs—spelling CK

Tuesday – Reading


Wednesday – Mathematics Reasoning


Thursday – Arithmetic


Yay – your done!

On Friday, we should have been going to the theatre but as you all know this is no longer able to happen, so we would like you to have a film day – you can watch any film that you like but just let us know what you pick.

Remember, we haven’t forgotten how hard you worked and SATs were never a true measure of this and your journey through school anyway – each of you is unique and special. We know you are talented in a multitude of ways. You have amazed  us with how resilient you have been over the last few weeks. Thank you!

From all your very proud teachers,

Miss Walters, Miss Killick,

Miss Brown, Mrs Hall,

Mrs Meadows and Mrs Sermon


Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Good evening,

We hope you had a great time celebrating VE Day – the photos that you have shared on Seesaw are fantastic. If you have anymore, please send them over!

This week our theme is ‘Under the Sea’. Below we have attached some activities linked to the theme.

Home learning

As always, if you have any questions please contact us on Seesaw and please continue to upload your child’s work on this platform – it is great to see how they’re getting on!

Take care

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly


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