Year 4/5 activities w.b. 11.05.20

We hope you had a great bank holiday weekend. Here are you home learning tasks for this week- as usual, let us know if you need any help with anything and keep us updated through Seesaw.

Extra task: we would like you to draw the view from one of your windows at home. You might want to sketch, paint, colour, collage- the choice is yours! We look forward to seeing your creations. Have fun.

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones

Home learning WB 11.05.20

Kindness Calendar – Let’s spread kindness together

This weeks theme is ‘The way to the heart is through the stomach’.

kindness Calendar

There is an activity for every day.

You can share what you have been doing on Twitter #KindnessSchools and #KindnessCalendar if you do not have access to Twitter but would like to share your work, you can send it to

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks 4.5.20

Good morning all, we hope you’re all keeping well.

Please find this weeks tasks below:

Home learning 4.5.20


We hope you enjoy the tasks and look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.


Year 6 Home Learning Activities wb. 04.05.20

Hello! We hope you are all keeping well and happy – we are missing you all lots and feeling very grateful for your messages on Seesaw or for being able to speak to you on the phone!

We know you will be keeping busy doing lots of things to help at home: baking, spending time in the garden, reading stories, going out for walks, playing with your siblings, completing your CGP books etc. but we also know that it is our job to provide you with activities too, so click the link below to have a look at this week’s set!

As always, please, please, let us know if you need help with anything. It is always lovely to see your photos and messages of what you are getting up to!

Keep safe,

Miss Killick and Miss Walters

Year 6 wb 04.05.20 Home Learning Tasks

Year 4/5 home learning WB 04.05.20

Welcome back to another week. Attached are the documents needed for your home learning tasks this week. As always, if there is anything you need or if you need help with any work, please get in touch with Mr Broderick or Miss Jones. Have a great week!

Home Learning WB 04.05.20

Playground complete

Don’t forget that this Friday, 8th May is the 75th VE Day and we would like everyone to have a picnic to celebrate if possible. We will be having picnics, rain or shine!

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones

Year 2 Home Learning Week 2

Good morning all, we hope you had a lovely weekend.

Please find this weeks learning activities below:

Home learning tasks Wk 2

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Take care

Miss Pound and Mrs O’Reilly

Year 4/5 home learning activities 27.04.20

Welcome back to another week everyone. We have attached this week’s home learning activities. Please complete one maths task and one English task very day; the other activities are for you to choose when to complete. Remember to keep sending us your work through Seesaw so we can keep up to date with what you are doing. Keep up the good work!

Home learning activities wb 27.04.20

The English resources are in the following pack:


The skeleton worksheet, part of the active learning pack, is on the following link:

Skeleton worksheet

If anyone still needs their code to link to the class Seesaw accounts, please email us so we can get you set up.

Have a good week!

Miss Jones and Mr Broderick

Calling all children in Mrs Atkins’ groups – we need your help!

Would all the children who attend Mrs Atkins groups, whilst they are at home, please help to create a new display for when we are back at school?

Could you please draw and cut out of cardboard a butterfly and paint or colour it in any way that you choose?

When we are back at school bring them in so they can be attached to a mobile that will be displayed outside the TLC.

You can make as many as you want – and they can be as big or small as you want!

Here are some my children and I have created. We used lollipop sticks down the middle of our wings but cardboard or a stick will work just as well.

You could even make your own for home. To make the mobile simply sellotape some string to the back of your butterfly (you may need to wrap it around the middle a few times and make a triangle shape on the back so they stay upright) and hang it onto a large stick.

Have fun and stay safe,

Mrs Atkins

Supporting Emotions

During these times of uncertainty it is really important to support and nurture your child’s emotional wellbeing. Each child is different and what works for one may not work for another. But ultimately it is really important we try to support children in finding a way to be peaceful and to be open about any worries and concerns that they may have.

Please click on the link below for few ideas to help your child to find a peace within a moment and to support them with talking about how they feel:

Emotions Activities

Here are some links to some meditation bedtime stories to help your child feel relaxed before bed; (The Sleepy Sloth) (The Land of the Unicorns)

Keep safe and well…Mrs Atkins.





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