Remembrance in Reception

‘We wear poppies because of the soldiers, some of them died, but some didn’t.’

‘We’re thinking about the soldiers who were in the war and died. There are poppy wreaths. A man wrote a poem about the poppy fields and he saw some bright red poppies in a field when they’d finished fighting.’

‘It was scary for the animals in the war’.

Telford Hotel & Golf resort community collection.

As school is closed for half term this week, we have sent our Lidl and Aldi donations to this local community project.
Collection is this Friday between 11am and 1pm in the hotel reception. Don’t forget your carrier bags.


Home Learning – All Year Groups

If your child needs to learn from home during Autumn Term, please access their year group information page (in Parents News / Classes) for links to teaching videos and learning activities that will help them to make progress during their time at home! Please post their learning onto Seesaw as teachers will be checking journals weekly – they can’t wait to see how you get on!

If you need any help accessing any of the learning, please speak to your child’s class teacher…they are always happy to help!

Home learning challenges for Reception

Good evening,

We hope you’ve all had a restful weekend, enjoying the sunshine!

Please find attached our final week of home learning activities for this term – what a strange one it’s been!!! As always, please contact us on Seesaw if you have any queries or want to share the wonderful work you’ve been doing.

Take care and keep safe,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

06.07.20 weekly plan

Reception – Home learning activities

Hello everyone,

Hope you have had a lovely weekend. It’s lovely seeing your photos and work on seesaw. Keep them coming !

This weeks home learning:

06.07.20 weekly plan

Copies will be placed in the main reception area from 10am this morning.

Stay safe and have a good week,
Mrs Geran & Mrs Casswell

Helping your child with emotions and feeling angry…

If your child is feeling lots of emotions at the moment…from feeling sad to angry, please don’t feel alone…lots of parents are experiencing the same thing. This experience has been very confusing for children…

This is a nice resource we found on Cbeebies…using Love Monster

Reception home learning tasks

Good evening all,

We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. Please find attached this weeks learning tasks.

29.6.20 weekly plan

As always, enjoy, and remember to upload your work or other exciting activities you’ve been doing on Seesaw.

Have a good week,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

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