Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak!

We have had an Eid celebration in our classroom. We really enjoyed hearing from our children of Muslim families. We have had Eid biscuits brought in and we enjoyed some sweet treats and discussed the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

Reception/Year 1 classes enjoyed a Eid forest school experience where we discussed the importance of the moon and stars in Islam.


Ramadan 2024

When is Ramadan 2024?

This Monday the 4th of March we welcomed Asma from Telford Central Mosque to talk to the children about Ramadan. Asma told us about how Muslims all over the world would be paying special attention to their faith during this holy month. Many children knew lots about Ramadan from their learning in school, their community or their own faith. Some children l that many Muslims would be dedicating time to reading Surahs (chapters) of the Quran, fasting, giving to charity or helping others, spending time with family and friends and attending Mosque for an extra prayer during Ramadan.
The children asked thoughtful questions and observed our school and British values conscientiously. Asma praised the children and our learning environment, commenting on the warm feeling and interest of the children, even down to our youngest Reception students.
We thank her and Telford Central Mosque for enriching our learning!

Big Questions

We have been having some wonderful discussions as part of our RE unit this half term.

Maybe you could carry on the discussions at home…

Are animals persons?

Would you like to never grow up?

Can a robot be human ?

Author Visit

Children in year 1 and 2 enjoyed having Sarah Griffiths, a local author, visit school.

Sarah talked about how she became an author and gave us top tips for writing stories. It was very inspiring.

She read her newest book Tom’s Gift and we sang a song that she had written to accompany it too! We use all of our senses to explore stories here. It also linked well to our music curriculum and we thought about musical artists that we love to listen to.

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March.
We have not dressed up in ages so we would children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There are prizes on offer so think creative and flamboyant; the more home-made the more chance of winning!
I can’t wait to get my costume ready 🙂