A fun ‘Art Day’ in Reception/Year 1!

We have been learning about an African lady called Wangari, whose determination to see a greener future was inspirational. We successfully used charcoal to create her portrait, using contrasting tints and shades.

Our beautiful bees were created with watercolours and pen and our printed cats were inspired by the work of Sonia Delaunay.

Year 6 ~France 2024

Our Year 6 set off in the early hours of Monday morning to catch a ferry from Dover to Calais. After 16 hours of travelling they eventually arrived at Chateau Beaumont. They had a fantastic time and spent their days exploring le Mont St Michel, the zoo, markets, supermarkets as well as spending time climbing, archery, fencing and team building. French night meant that they could experience a French delicacy of snails and frogs legs!!

The experience was amazing and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Everyone arrived home by midnight on Friday and I imagine spent a lot of the weekend sleeping.

Well done and thankyou to the wonderful adults: Mrs Pigg, Mr Johnson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Wust that gave up their time to go and the parents for allowing your children this experience.

Big Questions

We have been having some wonderful discussions as part of our RE unit this half term.

Maybe you could carry on the discussions at home…

Are animals persons?

Would you like to never grow up?

Can a robot be human ?

Our Community Walk

Reception/Year 1 have been learning about the facilities in our local community. The children have enjoyed the home challenge of sharing their favourite places in the community and our walk yesterday is developing our knowledge and understanding about mapping. We are also linking it to our art and design work, identifying textures and structures in our locality.

Our Spring themed Art Day

We all had a wonderful ‘arty’ day on Tuesday. The children were able to practise lots of skills, such as printing, watercolour painting, 3D clay or mod roc models, collage, oil pastel drawings and sketching.

Here are some of the super examples from Reception, Year 1 and Year 5:

Y5 sketchbook mood boards

Y5 collage

Y5 collage eggs

Y1 clay

Y1 printing and oil pastel drawings


Letter for Year 1 Parents: Reopening school

Please find a very important letter attached outlining our plans for the reopening of our Year 1 classes from Tuesday 2nd June 2020.

Year 1 letter to parents

You will be contacted individually this week via email / phonecall to inform you of your allocated week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

School News

Welcome back to the start of Autumn 2. The children were welcomed back with a surprise pantomime of Peter Pan from M&M Productions. The children thoroughly enjoyed singing along, joining in, cheering and having a fantastic time! They were very excited about the dance off between Mr Graham and Miss Pound…