Be Successful Like Mo Farrah

For National Sports Week we have been studying some important sports people.

We have looked a information books and videos to find out about Mo Farrah, Serena Williams and Ellie Simmonds.

We learnt new vocabulary such as competition, medal, track and tennis. We now remember the sports that they are famous for competing in.

We talked about how our school values link to being a good sports person.

We were able to apply our values during our Sports Day celebration.

Printing inspired by Sonya Delaunay

We have been exploring printing using a variety of objects as art of our Expressive Arts and Design project.

We also linked this with the topic of pets, so that we could show our knowledge of their features. Check out the whiskers on our cats!

Practitioners make considered choices to ensure that we remember more; We used prime colours to print we as we had studied this in teh previous term.

We decided to use them purposefully as cards for Father’s Day.

Visit from Claire who works for the RSPCA

To develop our knowledge of living things further, and in particular pets, we had a visit from Claire who works for the RSPCA.

She supported us to understand that pets need food, drink, exercise and companionship.

We also met Honey the dog. She bought her ball and illustrated how pets need interaction and play, just like us!

This lesson linked to our school value of respect. We had to think about how we behaved while Claire and Honey were visiting us. We were able to observe and stroke Honey, while showing our amazing ability to self-regulate our excitement and nervousness.

Snack time is tasty and filled with learning!

We have a daily snack in which children socialise, prepare and taste healthy foods, not to mention the maths that takes place such as ensuring every child has a cup.

We promote self-regulation through offering our children china cups. The also wait their turn to pour their own milk. We are very proud of how independent they have become.

Every moment is a learning opportunity; We have been thinking about seeds and so today we tasted watermelon. Firstly, we described the watermelon in many different ways. We noticed it had stripes, it rolled and it was heavy. Then we predicted what it might look like inside! Predictions are a crucial part of our reading curriculum throughout school. We had images to scaffold our ideas. Then we cut it open! This was a joyous moment!

“Pink and seedy!”

A is for Alive; Pets!

Our learning in the EYFS always starts with our children’s existing knowledge and experiences.

As a sub topic within our project we have been studying pets. The children have shared and talked about their own pets.

This has sparked and inspired many activities including studying and describing animals, pet mathematics and vet exploration. It has led to discussions about how pets are cared for and we are very excited to have the RSPCA visit us on Friday to extend our knowledge further.

Nursery rhymes happen everywhere!

We love nursery rhymes!

They help our learning in so many ways; vocabulary, concepts and our memory.

You will hear adults and children singing everywhere . . . playfully in the toilet, outdoors, in the home corner and during our daily nursery rhyme session.

They also provide inspiration for some adult directed tasks and enhancements linked to our current projects.

Here you’ll see us making a pie as we have been studying Sing A Song of Sixpence and Three Little Kittens. This supports our understanding of nursery rhymes even further as well as a whole host of other skills such as our fine motor control and team work. By making connections, existing learning is embedded and new learning happens!

We even decorated the pie with those cheeky blackbirds!

We’ve been exploring the concept of gardens within malleable play with the help of Mary, Mary Quite Contrary too!

Every day, everywhere babies are born . . .

During the Spring term, children were involved in a project all about babies.

Now they are applying their knowledge in our Baby Clinic. We believe that in this way learning and knowledge stick!

This also feeds into our topic of A is for Alive . . . we’ve been exploring the human lifecycle.

“When I was a baby I couldn’t walk.”

“Your baby needs a bottle because it has no teeth.”

“I’m pregnant, am I going to have my baby now.”

“Let’s put a nappy on. Babies don’t go on the toilet. When I was a baby I had a nappy too!”

“Babies grow . . . into kids!”


Bugs, bugs, bugs!

We explore the Eco Garden all year round.

Now the warmer weather is here we have found many creatures at forest school. Lots of the children can sustain their interest in this for long periods of time. They find the minibeasts fascinating.

Adults scaffold and add to children’s play by describing the creatures names and their features. Children noticed how some spiders moved quickly and others more slowly. The children sang Incy Wincy spider and the adults introduced them to more rhymes and songs about the creatures they found such as Wiggly Woo and The Ants Go Marching. This helped the children to remember the names of the creepy crawlies.

Some children showed the school value of bravery by holding a spider.