Year 4 Pioneer Trip

In March some of the Year 4 children went on their first residential trip to the Pioneer Center. The children created new friendships, improved their teamwork skills, showed resilience and made life long memories. They had a BRILLIANT time!

Sonnets in Year 5

Year 5 have been tackling Sonnets in their English lessons recently. We analysed a range of Shakespeare’s sonnets and found out about their syllable and stanza structure. We then explored the reasons we love our planet and then wrote a sonnet with all our ideas in! The children worked extremely hard and should be proud of their final outcome!

Library Visit

Mr Andrew’s class visited Madeley Community Library this morning. The children were very excited to visit as 13 of the class had never visited a library before. All the class were given the opportunity to sign up for a library card and 15 children were given their card today which enables them to take up to 16 books out at a time!

The class had a tour of the library, looked at all the different sections, listened to some poetry and then explored the books. Those who were given a library card were able to use the scan machines to take a book home too! We will definitely be going back next term!

Home Farm Attingham Visit

Today the nursery children visited a farm in Shrewsbury to deepen their knowledge of farm animals in a meaningful, real-life context. This knowledge is crucial to support their later learning in science.

The children have been exploring farm animals and their features in a range of ways including books, rhymes poems and games.

Today the children noticed the hair and snouts on the pigs, as well as the udders on the cows. They were able to feed lambs and kids using bottles of milk. This is the beginning of understanding which animals are mammals and how they can be identified. Seeing young animals also support their understanding of the season of spring and the lifecycles of animals.

The children had to use our school values of respect and bravery in order to care for and feed the animals.

It was a truly wonderful, memorable day.


Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders have been given their badges today which they have been very excited about!

As a Digital Leader, they are the children in school responsible for:

  • Supporting teachers by ensuring they have the IT equipment they need for their lessons;
  • Ensuring e-safety is discussed throughout school by leading assemblies;
  • Testing our new IT equipment we purchase as a school;
  • Speaking to children to think about how we can make Computing as good as it can possibly be in school!

Lego Robotics Workshop

Our Year 5 children and a selection of children from across Year 3 and 4 had the opportunity to take part in a Lego Robotics workshop today in school to enrich our Computing offer. The children had to create a ‘Monkey Drummer’ from Lego pieces and then code it to drum! They explored engineering concepts such as cams and were shown how it links to real-life engineering jobs! The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Thank you to Nick from JuniorSTEM (Home | JuniorSTEM | Lego Robotics Workshops KS1 KS2) for running the sessions in school today.

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!

Educators at Sir Alexander Fleming have selected a reading spine of core literature that children will be immersed in throughout their time at our school.

These books are chosen as we believe they are a right of passage, they are age appropriate, they match recommendations from leaders who are experts in literacy and they give our children knowledge about diversity in our world. They also enable us to teach our curriculum and link to other subjects.

Nursery have been exploring Michael Rosen’s book. This books is awesome become it teaches children rhythm, repeated refrains and environmental sounds which is apart of our phonics curriculum. It is also developing children’s geographical understanding and understanding of the world around them. Children will be mapping out the places in the next few weeks.

Meet Our Reading Ambassadors!

  • They are amazing reading role-models!
  • They are enthusiastic about reading and inspire other children to read.
  • They look after books in the whole school library.
  • They help during reading assemblies.
  • They run a reading club at lunchtime on Friday.
  • They make recommendations in a termly leaflet and Seesaw post.

Here are their recommendations for this term . . .