At Sir Alexander Fleming Nursery and Primary School we recognise the importance of physical education to give our pupils the opportunity to be as physically active as they can be, in a safe and supportive environment. This enables our pupils to understand the importance of being physically active, building resilience and having determination to support them in practicing the skills needed to be successful in all areas of learning, life, and sports.
Please click on the links below to view Sir Alexander Fleming Nursery and Primary School’s Curriculum Documents for Physical Education:
Curriculum Statement for PE
PE Policy 2024-2025
PE Long-term Overview
Progression document 2024-2025
Skills and Knowledge progression 2024-2025
Vocabulary Progression 2024-2025
EYFS Progression
PE adaptive teaching at SAF
Sports Funding Plan
Sports Funding 2024

Our Vision for PE
At Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School, we aim to promote, encourage, and support the achievement of all our pupils. We apply our school motto to our intent in PE, in both lessons and extracurricular activities. We hope that all our children will belong to our sporting community and teams, be inspired and active, and become healthy and inspired athletes with a strong sportsmanship ethos. The work done within the subject of Physical Education is designed to complement, contribute, and support this aim as well as demonstrating our school values.
The Physical Education curriculum offers a range of experiences that meet the needs of the individual pupils and allows the children to gain greater control over their bodies. Physical education can also make a significant contribution to a child’s emotional, intellectual, and personal development, particularly their self-esteem. By focusing on both thinking and physical me during PE lessons, we know our children can improve their social, emotional, mental, and physical ability.
Through Physical Education, pupils gain both enjoyment and fitness. They develop an understanding of the skills necessary for developing independent self-challenging work, teamwork, confidence, tolerance and perseverance. They also begin to appreciate their own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of others.
We encourage pupils to participate in frequent physical activity throughout their lives, and strongly encourage pupils to attend extra-curricular activities available within school and to be aware of leisure opportunities within the community.
Our school PE offer is based on the 3 pillars of PE: motor competence, rules, strategies and tactics and healthy participation. Through focusing on all three pillars in our PE lessons, we hope to equip our children with the procedural and declarative knowledge to be successful, knowledgeable and considerate athletes.

Our Physical Education Aims
Physical Education in the National Curriculum provides a basis for us to deliver a broad and balanced physical education programme which helps us to fulfil our main aims which are:
To promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle by developing self-motivation to take part in physical activity outside school and to promote the importance of a healthy and balanced diet:
By developing a positive attitude and interest in a wide range of physical activities.
By raising awareness of issues regarding Health-Related Fitness with PE and other subjects.
By raising awareness of the potential dangers of obesity.
To provide equal opportunities for all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum:
Detailed coverage of a range of subjects.
Activities, skills and sports links that are progressive through each year group
Adaptation through assessment and identification of each child’s strengths and challenges
To contribute to the physical, intellectual and social development of each child:
Size, strength, fitness, speed, gross and fine motor skills
Aesthetic appreciation and understanding of Dance and Gymnastics
Knowledge of a broad range of different activities or sports
Co-operating in groups, as part of a team, playing fairly to rules, mixing with children from other schools and showing a good level of sportsmanship.
Knowledge of health and fitness as well as safety
To provide opportunities for all children to achieve their full potential through curricular and extra-curricular activities:
Breakfast, lunch and after school clubs
Change for life clubs and multi skills clubs
Trained industry professionals providing specialist experiences
To provide opportunities to participate in competitive sport
PE lessons, House teams, football, basketball, Sports Day, orienteering day, daily mile, race for life, Alex Mile and through our membership to the TWSSP, we have the opportunity to enter a variety of competitions across the whole school throughout the whole year.
Our Sports leaders support active lunch time activities, house competitions and sports day. They are:
Year 5-
Year 6- Zayn, Cory, Lacey, Olly, Meredith, Emilia, Justina, Poppy.

To achieve these aims, Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery will:
- Follow a broad and balanced PE curriculum fulfilling the demands of the National Curriculum and differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all our children.
- Ensure every child has 2 hours of good quality PE each week.
- Aim to ensure every child in Year 6 can swim 25 metres and has basic water skills.
- Provide opportunities for all children to participate in extra-curricular sport.
- Promote and give all children the opportunities to represent their school in competitive fixtures both within and outside of school sport.
- Encourage children who struggle with PE to take part in ‘Change for life.’
- Aim to develop the fitness of each pupil, by ensuring a good pace in lessons and incorporating fitness activities across the curriculum.
- Aim to involve the community where possible. e.g. sports day, community club links, inter-school matches, outside coaching personnel, resources, secondary schools.
- Forge strong links with the TWSSP – sharing good practice, assessment, resources and competition.
- Provide an enjoyable experience where positive attitudes of sensitivity, co-operation and competition may develop and an environment where all children can enjoy and achieve.
- Use the government’s Sports Premium funding effectively.